Originally posted by Malduster
Originally posted by cupertino
Originally posted by Malduster
lol people still have the nerve to say warhammer is copying warcraft? Oh... my.... god.
Most of you WoW noobs dont even know how old warham…
Originally posted by harg
Originally posted by cupertino
Originally posted by Malduster
lol people still have the nerve to say warhammer is copying warcraft? Oh... my.... god.
Most of you WoW noobs dont even know how old warhammer i…
Originally posted by rishaki
Originally posted by cupertino
Originally posted by Arndur
Originally posted by cupertino
Originally posted by Malduster
lol people still have the nerve to say warhammer is copying warcraft? Oh... my....…
Originally posted by Arndur
Originally posted by cupertino
Originally posted by Malduster
lol people still have the nerve to say warhammer is copying warcraft? Oh... my.... god.
Most of you WoW noobs dont even know how old warhammer is, gr…
WoW has loads of made up holidays, this week we have "the festival of light" =D
But as in game holiday events go.. this VG event is rather weak.. no holiday related quests? whats with that.
Originally posted by Malduster
lol people still have the nerve to say warhammer is copying warcraft? Oh... my.... god.
Most of you WoW noobs dont even know how old warhammer is, green orcs? Warhammer had them looooooong before Blizzard was even f…
Originally posted by Hexxeity
I want to address the McDonald's argument for no reason in particular.
McDonald's is popular in part because it is super cheap. WoW is not super cheap. In fact, there are few (if any) MMOGs that charge a higher mon…
WoW is no where near the point where it need to remake itself to keep people interested (EvE EQ2 AO), change the gfx style and it losses the essense of WoW, WoW is about humor slap on a EQ2 skin and its all lost. Look at the RTS games.. WoW looks l…
Originally posted by Kilmar
Burning Crusade was the worst expansion pack I've ever seen. Almost 4 years and all blizzard did was BC, lol
it was 2 years then TBC and lots of content added between and after TBC. But look at the numbers WoW has n…
Originally posted by Pheace
Originally posted by namelessbob
Originally posted by terrorantula
Tbh 3 years is more than you'll get from any game out there so it's not like it's been a bad mmorpg to play lol.
Hmm, no.
Someone di…
WAR is the obvious choice (ofc its not out yet) as it looks and feels like WoW, which is mythics idea from the start, making a WoW player feel at home in WAR right from the start.
WoW had never been about the gfx, other games put gfx first and look where they are today, in the bargin bucket struggling to stay afloat.
WAR should be a sucessful game becuase it had basic gfx (ie, no flashy DX10 crap etc) which will appeal to f…
For me Tribes 2 was the best version of tribes. knocking ppl out of the air with your spin fusor... shouting for help as you run/jetpack from the enemy with their flag only to spot a team mate who jumps of his bike for you to jump onto and zoooom! e…
Originally posted by airstrike
To answer the OP,most definatly blizzard is going to make the current tier gear crap.If blizzard wasnt lazzy they could have done the following with TBC and future expansions:
For every tier gear they should a q…
WoW is getting its world PvP back as soon WotLK hits with it non-instanced PvP zone (much like Blizzard originaly planned for AV).
Also there is always world PvP, just stand by a meeting stone and PvP away, we also got Halaa and spirit towers whic…
Originally posted by Psiho246
No my brother! Resist the dark side!!! Wait for AoC or WAR instead!!!
Yes play those, realise they have nothing to offer and come back to the sweet sweet busum of WoW and drink from your fill.