I was on a mission and was trying to jump up to the roof of the petrol station to get the camera. I got stuck, it wouldn't let me use the stuck command and every time I tried to portal to Agritha, it interrupts. In order to avoid recreating my chara…
Well appears that the repair file is more stable,as I juat woke up and it is still downloading, with no crashes or BSOD.
With 10.5 GB downloaded, it's looking good so far.
Originally posted by Vannor
Originally posted by Masta22
Originally posted by Vannor
Originally posted by Masta22
Yes thanks it is working now, needed to pu -image after quotatio marks. I ham running the file but it sti…
Originally posted by Vannor
Originally posted by Masta22
Yes thanks it is working now, needed to pu -image after quotatio marks. I ham running the file but it still has the same number of files remaining, as the gw2.exe file. What is the diff…
Yes thanks it is working now, needed to pu -image after quotatio marks. I ham running the file but it still has the same number of files remaining, as the gw2.exe file. What is the differnece between the two? I'm confused.
Originally posted by Vannor have you tried the repair client work around from this support answer?
This part:
If you would like to have Guild Wars 2 download overnight or n…
Originally posted by Fir3line check which files it is restarting at, most of the time the client crashes and starts downloading on the file were it was at, but will tell you its starting from 0%. There was a forum post about this I think........
Originally posted by colddog04 Is the BSOD related only to the GW2 download client or do you get them occasionally anyway?
Did you get them before you tried to download the client?
I have got them in the past but it wss a rarity. Today si…
Originally posted by colddog04 Seems like a good thing to report to ArenaNet when you get access to a way to report it.
When I first relaunch the client I get the repair screen, but then it doesn't respond after a while. Then the download start…
Originally posted by Kidon downloading at 2.30MB/sec atm
Now that just makes me jealous lol. Wish I had super fast internet but I can't because of my location.
Originally posted by IPolygon Try monitoring the launcher with a program like netbalancer or any other monitoring tool. The speed listed in the launcher doesn't represent the full speed, because you are downloading files from different servers. The …
I would say it was revolutionally. SWTOR is the first mmo to have full voiceovers and not just grind quests all the time.
Now I actually care about the quest I'm doing, because I will feel fully immersed. Text based quests just don't do it for me …
Originally posted by stugurt I am angry that apb:r does not accept me into the closed beta. I played the original game, bought cash and played my character excessively. I migrated my character but I still have no access. I do not get it.
Yes bu…
Well I have an ATI Radeon HD 5850.
I downloaded the latest driver and it fixed it. It's a bit strange that it didn't give me a warning message, before I launched the game though.
Originally posted by Riftsoldier I had a different issue but...
did you download just the patcher and can't get the patcher to work or did you do the update yet within the game patcher program, that requires a large download of over 7 gigs.?
Originally posted by The_Korrigan Do yourself a favor. Do NOT go for the Codemaster EU servers. Go for Turbine.
Codemasters are just like GOA, most MMORPG veterans must remember those. They have poor customer support, poor handling, and they are i…
Originally posted by Kakusareta
Originally posted by yoyoyoblaka
For an mmorpg the graphics are pretty nice, compared to other non mmo games? not really...
But in all honesty if you're playing an mmo for graphics you are playing for the wro…