For me there are games that come out on the 3ds that I'd like the option of playing on the tv. Bravely Default, pokemon, fire emblem, other misc titles as well. Nintendo does need to up their online capabilities, add an achievement system and …
I vote with my wallet. Got the original nintendo at 3 years old. I'm 33 now. This is a launch day purchase for me. I need a pc and a nintendo console. The vast majority of games that are released on the other consoles I can get on PC.
Originally posted by tbaldree Spikex - a follow up question, and don't take this as snark, because it's not.
If you're purchasing a game, and it costs anywhere from $5 to $20, do you think it's reasonable to expect it to provide 100s of hours of e…
Travis - Torchlight 2 was undoubtedly a solid game that also experienced solid sales. I believe what Seelinnikoi is referring to is typically when a developer has a hit on their hands they continue to support the product by developing dlcs, expans…
I came back to WoW a couple months ago and have been enjoying it. I have never been a WoW fanboy and I really didn't care for it much in the past but it suits me now. I've been playing MMOs for 17 years now. I have very limited playtime with a ba…
Haters gonna hate. I am on the fence about SWTOR but this expansion looks to be interesting at the very least. I love the idea of spaceship combat. At the end of the day I hope the developers can innovate and improve the game over time. The indu…
OP....I logged in to say I feel for ya for this incident and for having to put up with all of these forum warriors/trolls. I read but don't post much for this very reason.
The worst experience I ever had with Customer Service was with D…
The magic of DAOC's progression system was that you never really maxed out. You hit lvl 50? Grats now you're RR1. Gaining realm rank literally took years and years and you never max'd out. So for me I want something similar. I want a pvp progre…
I'll post some reasons that I believe DAOC isn't as popular as it used to be, some already have been said.
1. Competetive 8v8 has long died out.
2. Solo RVR has died out
3. Mostly what you have on ywain is stealth zerg and visible zergs.
Originally posted by Kyleran Maybe, just maybe, RVR for RVR's sake is pretty boring over the long term. Perhaps the real appeal of DAOC in it's glory days was directly tied to it's PVE content as well, with each complementing the other.
There are…
Some mis-information posted here about current DAOC
1. There is one server ywain
2. You can level 1-50 in battlegrounds extremely quickly. You can make 50 in less than a week on any character. Not a week playing time mind you. A week of 3-…
I had the same thing happen over a year ago except the situation was a bit different. I had lost my password and I just wanted to cancel my account. I hadn't played the account for 3+ months so it was sitting inactive. They requested information …