Originally posted by Dihoru I quit the game not because of such high end stuff but because the game is a grindy mess when compared to other games I play ( the only thing I can think of less grindy than SWtOR's non-sub grind is pokemon game grinds, m…
I have been playing Since the SWTOR was released and all I have to say is the game has improved a lot sometimes not as fast as I would like but they have made a impact.
I still want pod racing, card playing and another planet where guilds can buil…
I joined a 4 man group last night that reeked havoc on the Republic bastards we all had on elite war hero gear that was augmented. Enough to say that we destroyed all groups who had no pvp gear on very quickly.
It was quite fun we also finished all…
Originally posted by junzo316 Originally posted by remyburke
The F2P has a few headscratchers in it, but if you don't want those restrictions while you play, creak open that dusty wallet and pay for it. The same people crying about F2P are the s…
Originally posted by Simsejensen I remember back in the day when SWTOR launched, with early access etc.
Played nonstop 14 days and had a good time. Then went super bored due to the pvp rules back then (dunno if its the same). But we had to buy…
Originally posted by Elikal Originally posted by rygard49 Originally posted by Elikal Originally posted by GolbezTheLion You knew the game had gear based PvP.
You tried to PvP with no gear.
You got destroyed.
And now you're t…
Originally posted by TeknoBug
Originally posted by GolbezTheLion
So basically you want to look awesome and have availability to high rank gear without putting in even a tenth of the effort everyone else did to get the rank and gear they ha…
Yes you can buy the gear lvl 50 pvp for about 300k your suppose to get a set free when you hit 50 check the pvp terminal.
Yes if you go in there with no pvp gear at lvl 50 be prepaired to have light saber inserted where the light don't shine!
Originally posted by Yizle
Yeah with this insanely limited F2P format I will not even give it a try. This is worse then SOE's and that;s saying something.
Show me a better free to play model than this, there is not one I can think of. SOE's is …
Why should F2P players get almost the same benifiets as paying players do that is just crazy thinking. As a subscriber I think what they are going to implement is very good. Have you compared SOE's free to play BW's is much better.
Lets look at…
I bought this game to play with my son and for him it is good he is 12 years old.
I agree with the Poster this game is a 6.2 rating and bores me to death. I actully fall asleep while playing it, such a easy mode game.
I'm glad to say I'm bac…
Originally posted by tiefighter25 Originally posted by ajax7
*Clipped a big list of stuff** Your Welcome Ajax!!!
This game runs better than wow does on my high end PC.
That's a nice list, but I'm pretty sure a whole lot of people on hi…
Originally posted by Karteli Hi everyone, I just wanted to compile some information together, since there is some disparity about SWTOR actually having a decent game engine.
It's been talked about before, about how the game engine may or may not b…
Your wrong I went to the FATMAN but once they merged the Servers I went back to my main server and transfered all my toons there to the P5 server.
I think many people did what I did that is why the FATMAN server has declined because people went bac…
Originally posted by Portland Dont expect the miracle companion, he will have the same bugs and he will die as fast as all other companions in Swtor.
In Short following these Swtor Developers and their sick super balanced way of game development,…
Yes and I plan to for a long while. It is a very good game only is going to get better.
I find these Warzones so much better than WoW and the pvp even with all the stuns etc. is a lot of fun.