all i really know is I have heard many people have canceled after only one month playing due to a serious lack of content after you reach a certain point in the game. Even in the three day trial i played after it's release the content became quite …
I'm guessing Taco Bell is a bad choice for a food choice then, correct?
Also, I might up the death fee to 25 or 30 just to make sure people understand how truly pathetic they are every time some lifeless bastard 40 lvls higher than them jump…
If they would make an AC clone with prettier graphics and a new story-line, maybe a race and some new zones i'm sure it would do much better than AC2, there is a reason AC1 has stuck around so long.
Activating Black person as a character choice now. Try again.
What class would a black person be similar to? I play mainly caster/summoner types if it's possible, do you think I would like being a black person?
And CoD 4 Suxorz because your shields don't regen as fast as Master Chief's do.
My predictions for '08 : Diablo 3(maybe under an alias) will be announced as an MMORPG!
My predictions for '09 : During Beta testing people are shocked that the game…
You COULD jump off a bridge, or subscribe to xbox magazine which has pretty much all the major updates on the demo discs that come with it. Just an idea that might be a little more practical. $25 Magazine Subscription sounds much better than deali…
I really liked how it kept up the pace, more action-oriented like many fps's. Not too much waiting around to regen or camping or waiting for some named to spawn for two hours. Attacking and defending outposts is probably my favorite part about it …
I really hope TR sticks around for a while it is imo one of the better MMO's to be released in 2007. It has good graphics for an MMO, good sound, and I think the combat is refreshing compared to LOTRO and WoW, it's a lot more fast-paced. Raiding B…
It would be just awful if it wasn't stupidly simple like targeting an enemy and mashing your skill buttons until it was dead wouldn't it? I've been wanting a decent mmo to come out where using a bow took more of a fps approach. The game looks good…