Awsome topic and posting imo heerobya! Pvp with actual world changing events? I would love to see that in WoW. It would keep me playing long after raiding endgame gets old and stale. I've always wanted to raid Stormwind with some horde. But …
Heck yah give the expansion a try. Why not? It's not like there is much else out there to play. Besides a lot of my friends play WoW even more than I do. Finally we get some new zones to play around in and explore. And some new instances th…
I really like this topic and the posts. A lot of truth in here. Many of the posts made me laugh The MMO scene is kinda sad. And I've become an MMO addict since I started FF11 several years ago. Playing single player RPG's offline are just …
I love fantasy based MMO"S, seems I can't get enough of them, lol. But don't get me wrong. When a new sci-fi based MMO comes out that looks promising I'll be all over it. I so wish Star Wars Galaxies would have been more polished. That had …
I have to say WAR. Vanguard looks like a much more challenging and in depth game. But I fear after playing WoW on and off for 2 years has made be lazy. I may no longer be willing and/or able to get into a game like Vanguard, but I'll give it …
The reason why I quit playing WoW a few months ago was because I got tired of raiding all the time. And the only reason I stayed as long as I did raiding is because my real life friend was in the same raiding guild as myself.
I so agre…
I don't see Blizzard staying as a one trick pony. I agree with Tahamtan. I'm sure they are working on some new projects but won't release much if any information on them for a while. Keeping competitors in the dark for as long as possible is …
Well that was a very nice and very thought provoking post Beatnik59. More posts like that will keep me interested in coming back here to read the forums. But I think you are underestimating the knowledge base of us MMO players. I think we kee…
Excellent post MIken700. Having a indie dev's point of view is really nice to see. WoW how become so popular dev's will want to figure out what parts of that game make it so popular. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery I've heard been…
Good things come to those who wait. With so many new MMO"s coming out in 2007 we the mmo players will have plenty of choices and games to try for a while. Release the game in a nice finished state. WoW put out a nice polished game that was en…
I'm actually a traditional pve person myself. Grouping to take down mobs and/or bosses has always been my cup of tea. FF11 was great because of this and bad as well . And doing 5 man instances in WoW can be fun, provided someone doesn't leave…
Thanks for the feedback. Paladin has been my favorite online class for several years now. Being able to tank and cast spells is an awsome duo for me. But I think I'll wait until the expansion comes out. I'll wanting to experience some new 5 …
I agree with Brainy in that a skill based game would be interesting. Sometimes your gear becomes more important than your skill. But I don't agree with being able to buy your gear with real world items. Even though I have some disposable incom…