Originally posted by Silky303 Originally posted by hoober Originally posted by CeTheGreat
I just don't get what the problem is I guess. If we all enjoy wwiiol than why is it such a big deal to drop $30 a month? If it saves/improves the game,…
Originally posted by Hodo As David06 said so well above.
I would be more inclined to support the game if it were less likely to throw away money on random ventures that have very little to do with the original concept of the game.
I …
Originally posted by BodkinBarber
Oh man I can't wait!!! It's only been 10 years..should be DAMN good by now!!!!!
Originally posted by mistmaker 1000 dramaqueens here....
as i understood, they didnt change anything yet, just considering it. they also did a poll about the topic
A poll that was closed afer 2 days. If they've done anything correc…
Originally posted by Mogus Jesus,
there is no 2nd Kickstarter. As I've said several times, as of right now, nothing about the game has changed but the Engine we are using.
I thought you said you were done with this board due to the lies…
Originally posted by PieRad Did he post that just now? I can't be bothered to check time difference.
Yup. Not long after the 2 threads here were locked.
Originally posted by XOOM-CRS Originally posted by Abyssuss Originally posted by XOOM-CRS Originally posted by antipropa I recently fell for the welcome back soldier email they sent me (they spammed my inbox after clicking remove me from yo…
Hey Xoom-CRS
Where's the indirect fire we were promised all those years ago, or how about the multi-theatre war? The nation slect screen used to have russia, and asia oh so long ago.
What amazes me is that some players bought those super expensive packages in order to get an in-game statue. $5000 or something? Can't remember, someone here must.
Anwyays...people bought and paid and some never did get one. LOL
Sorry but turning it off turns the site into a mess. Ads everywhere. I don't mind the site but I'm slowly being drawn away to other websites with a cleaner look and I find myself coming here less and less anyways. Your layout is outdated and far too…
Originally posted by wrath04 "How I love those expecting an easy battlefield kind of game - then realize this game is HARD, true PvP.
Then go screaming away in disgust coz they can't cope.
Want a REAL PvP game - we got it for you!"
Almost …
Originally posted by Stug Originally posted by Scottman
Originally posted by Stug
Well we have seen people posting in the forums about the fun they are having at the moment .
Well im jaded I know ..I guess it comes …
Originally posted by Stug Originally posted by boobits
Originally posted by Woopin
Originally posted by Stug
Its not dead yet
I thought you were banned axishatr...with someone spotting for your 88 fire?
Originally posted by Woopin Originally posted by Stug
Its not dead yet
I thought you were banned axishatr...with someone spotting for your 88 fire?
Fire does not show the same from person to person so rpetty pointless having spot…
2 posts and registered longer than you. What's your job as CRS anyways? Social media/online fanboi? Tell DOC and Rafter they deserve nothing less than what they created, a failing game and a desperate cry to raise funds. Oh...if you had only listene…