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  • Yea, the upcoming changes in New Frontiers look pretty good. I've been in Pendragon playing a bit, and the new areas, new little ports and maps and the new castles all look pretty cool. And from playing it on Pendragon, and seeing some of the patche…
  • Servers are ok. The low pop servers run around 1000 for all 3 realms at primetime, whereas the large pop servers run around 2600-2800 for all realms at primetime. You can't buy mounts, but you have horse stables that you rent out a horse at for a sp…
  • Name is Teon. I'm one of the GMs, but just about anyone can invite you in, or they'll know someone who can invite. Just tell 'em that you visit one of the chat boards I do.  Bedevere isn't a real large server. I think our numbers are around 1100 for…
  • I play in Dawn of the Abyss, Albs, on Bedevere Server. Medium sized(50+) guild, have members who like RvR, and memebers who like PvE, and members who like both. Laid-back, friendly guild, family oriented guild. In one of the larger alliances on Bede…
  • Aye, on the Bedevere server(Albion), the sub 20 level population is almost non-existent. You can run forever through Salisbury plains and see nary a soul. What used to be popular camp sites are now completely deserted. Prydwen Keep area, Camelot Hil…
  • Be prepared to love the game, AND be extremely frustrated with it, especially as you get up to the higher levels. Of course, by that time, the game will probably have completely switched directions AGAIN......so who knows. Good Luck!
  • Agreed, Panache. As you can see from my post before yours, I am still hopeful they turn it around. I agree big time on your remark about the absence of noobs. If they don't do something about attracting noobs, and soon....the game is just going to s…
  • The apsects of ToA that are really frustrating to me are the added timesinks of artifacts and MLs. Plus the fact that when ToA was first released, it was in nothing much more than a preliminary beta stage. Fortunately, Mythic has addressed some of t…
  • No, it just says that the CHANCE of not expending an arrow is increased by 25%.....it doesn't mean you'll have 25% less cash expended for arrows..... Altho the L4 ability is a nice percentage.....but that seems like an awful lot of rps to expend fo…
  • I would agree with Panache. It's pretty tough for certain classes starting new in DaoC. If you already have a 15-35 that you're reactivating, then you should be ok. Look for the larger pop servers, and the larger pop quilds, you will need the number…
  • Shouldn't be too hard to restart your character, if you're below level 6 or so. That way, later on, you'll be more sure of the base specs that you wanted.