Oh My God,,, no this is too funny to just OMG it. This flashed across my email and I had to check as I was sure it was a misprint.
MMORPG actually named EVE the best game of 2009,,, really?
You do realize that this is one of the signs of the a…
Thats an intresting question, I tried it back in the days where you could mount 3-MWD on a ship without penlty, I picked a spot in space and headed out, after the reset would continue on.
After the second day nothing was on the scanners as n…
Well I said that the only thing that would bring me back to EVE was RE, which after 6 years is finaly in game. I was testing it on Sing until patch day. Now after 5 failed patch tries I was going for #6 and all I see is:
The page cannot be display…
The vid was funny as hell and actually as as the OP put it. "My opinion of EVE after playing for 4 years" .
But I dare say not just his opinion but anyones who after 3-4 years looks back and relizes they have paid to work a sec…
Originally posted by METALDRAG0N
Originally posted by LeJohn
RE is the only thing that would pull me back to EVE, it is why I rejoined the last tu updates. As mentioned above RE is listed in the data base but never implemented. It is one of th…
RE is the only thing that would pull me back to EVE, it is why I rejoined the last tu updates. As mentioned above RE is listed in the data base but never implemented. It is one of the favorite carrots CCP likes to dangle but will most likely never …
I may have read it wrong but did the rules not say that you had to have an account (active) in good standing to win? That is, that the winners would have the prize added to their account?
I could be wrong, but that is why i did not ente…
When I first saw this topic posted I ignored it because the argument was as simple as this.
Why are they making a lara croft game but not letting me as a prowd male play a male? I am being forced to play a female....
But since this topic kee…
this is a game I am keeping an eye out for also.
Then again I am also, still, quitely awating Duke Nukem Forever so what do i know.. (yes I know there was a recent blip on that radar)
The short answer to your question is No. I looked at one of my accounts that I have not played since 2003 when I got rejoin invite a few weeks ago. Other than my enigma and a few other "items" missing my accout was usable.
As others have sa…
It's a poll on this site PPL, get a grip. It's like any other award thats based on votes.
If you want your fav to win then stop playing and jump on to the internet, surf over to this site and vote (unless your playing EVE in which case you c…
A couple co-workers and I were talking about this last week.
And Not only have I never capped any Avatar in a MMOG I had never capped an Avatar in games like Diablo and Dungion Seige. Now In WOW, which I started playing off and on since gold, my …
You have to keep in mind that Hardcore worked in D2 for several reasions.
1. When you created the game you could set a lvl cap +/- X-lvl above the creator. That kept all the gankers away.
2. You created your own world, yes others could join IF …
Is there a diffrence between Player Vrs Player and PKing...
There is also a diffrence between PVP and Realm V Realm, Team V Team and Squad/clan V squad/Clan
There is also a diffrence between PKing, Ganking, Griefing and Teamkilling.
Originally posted by Czzarre
I think the djurability of Eve Online, and to a lesser extent Ryzom do show that a sandbox MMORPG can be both succesful and long lasting. So definitly yes, it can be done
Actually EVE did and still…
Originally posted by brwdladr
Originally posted by Zorvan
I'm sure the devs of J:E will check their coding more thoroughly than those "coding" Eve, therefore noone will have to wonder if their computer will still work the next day.
Add +…
Originally posted by Hexxeity
I don't think I'd want to play a game that could kill WoW.
It would have to be just as simplistic and easy to digest as WoW -- very accessible to the masses.
Does that sound arrogant? Too bad. I like games that mak…