back in the day when Vaelastrasz was a guild killer 26 wipes and then it died and teamspeak went wild for ages the raid ended early lol.
meryy christmas all
<<< old fat and not depressed
although i dont care what studys or people i dont know say is the "average" i am happy with my life i shall continue to do and live the way i want not the way i am told too i shall also continue to play …
i remember now why i aint into jesus and all that dodgy stuff, didnt god make everything and everyone if so then he made SWTOR in a roundabout way so in game same sex relationships must be ok.
let me guess that was the devil ?
Originally posted by AzurePrower I think SWTOR has the potential to be number 1. But really, who cares what other people like/don't like.
All it comes down to is. Try it. Are you having fun? Yes/No? Play/Don't play.
Not going to spend mone…
i must be wierd i play what i enjoy not what people i dont know think i should or should not play. i will buy it and play it if its crap i will move on to something else. although all the posts from hardcore fanboys and haters (insert game title …
and every mmo gamer has xfire installed ?
kinda makes those % pointless only takes a few 10,000's who dont have xfire to play say swg and xfire numbers would be very wrong :P and out of the millions who play makes it very likely xfire numbe…
dark age of camelot before trails of alantis exp. 3 realm rvr was good fun and relic raids were awesome even after all these years i miss it.
a real shame mythic were too tight to advertise a lot back then