Sorry, their will not be 3rd person in MO. FPV is built into the game mechanics. You will get blinded, sweat in your eyes (blotchy water effect), blood sprayed in your face, and vision obscured by spells.
In most MMOs and RPGs (most are 3rd perso…
Dark Templars deserve the plate. Conq's meh, i think they just need stronger buffs, but keeping them in medium is a better idea.
Terror Totem for the Ranger is just craptastic. I mean, how does that make sense at all? LAME.
Most of the rest …
Originally posted by SaintViktor
It is very naive of them not to implement a way where players can choose either 1st or 3rd person view. Look at it this way, if World of Warcraft was 1st person mode only how many players do you think the game wou…
Originally posted by Daedalus732
Originally posted by Azril
I think both Warhammer and AOC are in similar places now. Warhammer is much bigger at the moment, but neither of them are selling any boxes,
I'm guessing you missed the announc…
Dude, nice book, and if you are in hardcore mode right now mabey i feel bad for you. A little bit.
Truth is: They will alter the game. They will adjust the rules. Things will *gasp* change!
Do you think the devs spent all this time designing a g…
Originally posted by Ephimero
Your processor is quite good (even tho the game apparently isn't using 4 cores, you'd be better overclocking it :P) and thus I guess your mother board also is, but your gfx card is not a gaming one, it's made for sma…
8500 is not that great.
Game runs great on vista, dont listen to them.
my specs:
8gb ram (overkill for many users, 4gb is the vista sweet-spot)
9600gt (performance here is almost a 8800gt with a cheaper price tag)
during be…
omg i just called gamespot, because i havent gotten my key yet. they say it takes 24hrs... i ordered yesterday... oh please send me the key while this window is open!!!!
oh, and Teala... i love you. wish me luck!
omg this is so lame. i preordered yesterday in order to get early access. doesnt look like im going to get it now. gotta cancel my preorder so that i can actually go pick it up on the 20th (i ordered online so it will ship on the 20th)
I finally started downloading later last night. woke up this morning, and looks like i had downloaded about 1gig, but I was back in line again!!! I dont think there was a network hickup, but whatever. I really think its a way to get you to subscribe…
Originally posted by Agricola1
#$%^ got to about 120 in queue then my comp lost conection, now I'm back at 400. What did I do to deserve this?
you picked that terrible avatar