I love LoTRO. That was the best $199 I ever spent in my life:)
That "$199 Lifetime" option gave me the freedom to come and go as I chose. I've tried many other new and shiny games over the last 8 years but they only hold my interest for 1-2 mon…
LoTRO because it's a beautiful, classy game.
I wish Turbine had put a message in their launcher . They didn't need to in the other rounds but it may have helped in this one.
Originally posted by Varex12 I'm trying not to laugh at all the folks discussing why they can't believe one game is winning over another. Apparently, many of you have no idea how this poll works.
It's what makes MMO players so..."special." Th…
Originally posted by Forgrimm
LotRo beating WoW? That's a joke.
After playing characters to max in both games, it took me 1 second to vote for LoTRO. No joke:)
Originally posted by Keller Guildwars 2 is not king of the themeparks, yet.
LOTRO has far more socializing possibilities than GW2. Guildhalls, playerhouses, musical instruments, player hubs, taverns, cooking, fishing, smoking, etc.
Lore is prett…
I loved the non-instanced housing that AC/Asheron's call had. There was clusters of neighborhoods all over the world. I had a notebook that I kept notes/coords in every time I would find a new cluster. The neighborhoods were all unique because the l…
Originally posted by skeaser Budget.
That is all.
Agree but I'd add their game engine too. It runs so smoothly on low PC requirements and that makes it so consumer friendly.
I quit when I'm bored also. In two games, it took me 3 years to become bored (AC and my current game). In two other games, it took 3 months (WoW and Warhammer). And in two other games, I quit due to lag after the first month ( AoC and VG).
I just read an article about him this month in a magazine. He reports there are .....
62 million Zynga game players per month!!!! 62 million- OMG!
That puts MMO's to shame!
Originally posted by unbound55
Originally posted by jpnole
I measured it up to about 400K over the past weekend. Still, I used to see this go into 1-2 million on weekends during P2P earleir this summer. Any thoughts as to why less people appe…
I hated the books in school and had no plans to try the game. I was very bored with the game I was playing in 2006 and thought that maybe I was getting too mature to play MMO's altogether. None seemed fun to me anymore.
Then I saw an "…
Originally posted by Muridan I play on Landroval and as I type this I am #50 in the que with a wait time of >3 minutes...wondering where all these alleged 20 minute waits are....
I'm VIP too and I was 329th in line with a 21 minute wait. I p…
I think that the only game that will give WoW a run for it's money is Guild Wars 2. They had 6 million boxes sold to GW1 and I figure at least half of those 6 million will try GW2.
And there's many ppl like me that never played GW1 but are pla…
I almost stopped reading when I saw WoW get a 9 on 'Game World" and LoTRO a 8 ! Dude!! Let me buy you some visine
But I kept reading and agree with many of your points except this is how I would vote:
Lotro Game world : 10/10
WoW: 5/10…