Originally posted by Silky303
It's unfortunate you've come to that conclusion Deivos but understandable given the fact that the majority of posters here actually long to see WWIIOL fail because the game developed in ways they wished it hadn't and f…
Originally posted by OtotheJ With 150 player peak server numbers the game is as good as dead. You cant possibly be this bad at developement planning for years, to the point you cant even keep stats up much yet release new content, and expect this …
Originally posted by Silky303
Anfiach - you're suggesting the players bear no responsibility as regards balancing the sides? Yet you're also suggesting the dev team also should not intervene to promote balance 'under the bonnet'?
My suggestion is …
Originally posted by Hodo Originally posted by anfiach` Back to blaming the community for the failings of the game.
Its not the communities fault the failings of the game. You just made the choice to read that into my statement. It is ver…
Originally posted by Silky303
I believe in honest appraisal and accountability
It's not popular to say the users/public are a cause of the problems - see any issue from supermarkets putting town shops out business to meat producers putting horse…
Originally posted by Silky303 Originally posted by Hodo Originally posted by BodkinBarber Originally posted by Hodo What DOC fails to realise is its not just the population issue.
The issues with the Allies low population starte…
Originally posted by wrath04 Originally posted by rendus Originally posted by Reklaw 7/02/12 > 3/03/13
Sorry I just keep seeing this topic pop-up, didn't read all the replies, but if this game is so dead then why is it still talked abou…
Originally posted by pittpete Yeah, ARMA2 and the Liberation Mod look awesome.
Try to find a highly populated server.
If you can, point it out to me.
Many people have stopped playing in anticipation of Arma 3 to be released this year. The inc…
Originally posted by Tontoman They could try the equipment points model as the others haven't worked. So F2P get access to all equipment from the start, but it's earned through points. You could also do a daily allowance, depending on how quickly …
Originally posted by Stug Originally posted by pittpete Stug, hopefully it works out.
They said it would take a few days or so to see if the maintenance work took.
DOC quote(with just a touch of snarkyness)
Well since the object of the ex…
Originally posted by wrath04 OH no! Bad news guys! This game is NOT dead ...but keep telling yourselves what you need to to keep bumping this thread with the same tired BS that repeats itself every 5 pages! Nothing …
Originally posted by wrath04 Originally posted by anfiach`
So there were 6 AOs again?
Probably not, but do you really need 6 AOs to have a good time? Again, Probably not.
Merely putting the 'high pop' in perspective.