incredibly usettling news . Gaming world will not be the same.
Deepeset condolences to family and friends but as well as the Gamers worldwide. Even this very website as well as hundreds of MMO's would most likely not be around if it wasnt for Brad…
i signed up for the alpha and got in a week ago.
All i can say is that this is going to be literally massive on all fronts. It seems that Amazon did it right and decided not go half assed like Microsoft did in the past with a certain mmo that ev…
DMKano said:
sakin13 said:
[mod edit]
Define HUGE success?
200 million players like Fortnite?
25 million players in the first 48 hours like Apex Legends?
Or more like 30k players?
The standards for huge success are quite dif…
Death penalty should be implemented for higher levels only and should not be associated with experience loss but instead with slower advance in experience for a certain amount of time. Losing gear should be implemented as well IMHO as it will defi…