Originally posted by Vidir
Well i had no problems with downloading the files it was the installation who screw up.
maybe the kittens in the tubes of the internet lost some of your packets on the way.
Im sorry, I dont remember you asking the internet's permission to enjoy this game. Youre grounded.
Joking aside, great game. I ,sadly, need my group of friends to play with to really enjoy any mmo. So once they moved on, so did I.
I like the game. Questing may be recycled from other games, but the combat makes it. I havent gotten to end game, but I see Global chat and LFG chat spammed with people lfg Nexus and lfg for the new dungeons. So yea, I would say theres a bit of e…
op, you may want to get some meclizine from your doctor. Shouldnt let motion sickness ruin a game with fun combat. seriously, ive fallen asleep raiding in wow before. tap targeting needs to die.
Originally posted by Weretigar Originally posted by xanderxain
Yea....and I have to work tonight and tomorrow night. I will definitely be logging in to make my characters though. gotta reserve my names.
grats on first post after 6 years of…