Rampaging about the new computer Lego , chatting it over as we go and loving it :
Most fun our little family's had in any game in literally years . Already we've :
Flown dragons
Summoned a tractor on a cloud
Ridden a drunken ostrich
Not sure if anyone's read "The clan of the cave bear" (Earth's children series ) but what from I remember it contained many diverse & well rounded cultures from such times ( not saying the game should be based on that exact series necessarily b…
In an ideal world I'd love a game that brought all things to all men ( and women ) and did them all brilliantly but in practice generally one area seems to dominate ( such as when PvE & PvP interests clash with balancing ) so I'd probably go wit…
Hi , I'd really like a key so that so that I can try before I buy , would like to make this my new MMO home . Will provide feedback & pass on any keys I get myself also .
"If I purchase a digital copy of RIFT but live in Europe, will I be able to play on the North American servers on March 1st?
found here :
about half a page down
I'd really like to get into this game but would like to try it before dropping money on it , please PM me an invite/key of you have one spare and it will be much appreciated
Probably like most , will leave it a few months , pick it up cheap with hopefully more & more varied content added by then & take it from there . Most MMOs best bought 3-6 months ( at least ) after launch IMO
Speaking as someone who's looking at this as his next MMO (and really wants to find one that sticks ) , thanks for posting this will be bound to look back at it for info as I progress
Well if we introduce full loot PvP to Farmville we could soon get this forum going , you can flame me & I can droive moi tractor on your laaand , burn down each others barns & demand combine harvesters are nerfed etc
I'm curious to try this game , if ever they bring out a free trial ( even for just a day ) so I can see it runs on my PC , will give it a go being MMOless at the moment
I play it on quiet evenings , not generally in the day as got kids ( who sleep a lot better for not having seen endless waves of zombies blown apart ) .
I'm new to the 360 ( got mine a few weeks ago ) - so far have played :
Fallout 3 : very free roaming & fun . If Fallout 2 & Oblivion married & made a baby this would be it .
Fable 2 : You can pretty much do as you please , race thro…
ESAK - Explorer 86.67 Socialiser 80.00 Achiever 73.33 Killer 6.67 %
Field - Care
Title - Manager/trainer
Gender - Male
Be interesting to see how this all comes out .