I can only speak for the server I play on, Antonia Bayle, and it is by no means dead. If anything it continues to grow. Everytime I make a new alt I run into new players, I can still find groups but your best bet is to join a guild. The lower lev…
AB has the largest population for sure, it is a RP server but if you dont RP its no problem. I dont RP and only rolled there for the large population, you will run into RP'rs but they are fine with those that choose not to RP (for the vast majority…
Originally posted by sololoco
Being an ex-vet from Galaxies back before the NGE I never though I'd ever return to play this game. But I recently did, I don't know why but I did. I guess I felt what many here feel, the memories of when we played…
Originally posted by twistedthai
Well I am here trying to find out about this game and can't find anything but screenshot and requirements for the game.
What I want to know
Is the game in beta
if it is still in beta, where on earth can …
NCSoft has been very tight lipped when it has come to info on Aion. If you only go by the info you find here on MMORPG.com and the NCSoft site then you wont find but a small piece of what is out there. Also the site pasted from is not the official…
There will be a crafting system, and like the previous poster stated there is very little actually known about game mechanics and such. More info will be available soon, I can understand your reservations because there isnt alot known. Just give i…
Yes Guildwars is F2P, but it is the exception not the rule. Every other game published by NCSoft is P2P so Im willing to bet that Aion will be too. And also look at the other threads that are about this same subject, instead of starting a new thr…
Originally posted by Porg
Does anyone know, has Aion been released in Korea, or China, or is it in beta. Hopefully we will know more soon, cant seem to find out much about it. A few screenshot's here and there. And a few movies from E3 2006. But …
Originally posted by Minimum
Originally posted by kb4blu
You know nikoz78 you might find more people willing to listen to you if you weren't so patronizing. Your attitude to me speaks of an arrogant imaturity.
Anyway for me personally I don't …
Originally posted by shadowrunxt
It's build on the engine that made GW but it will not be the same. It's more on like WOW.
IMHO, the engine that made GW owns, it can render beautiful graphics and yet it does not require an uber system to work we…
Originally posted by erezzz
well i hope itll be B2P cause its much easier and aion looks alot like GW with the skillbar and these r rumors that u can have secondery proffession 2 and i hope itll be B2P ill even mail them on that and if theyll do i…
Originally posted by Madfrenzy
What i understand from all that i have read, all the classes have only two weapons they can use, Primary and secondary. Does this mean that the character cant use any other weapons? eg. the fighter has a sword and sh…
Originally posted by Drvanitus
looks interesting. It's a shame tho that there is no official website, it would have helped a lot for people that could be interested in this game. I have to hunt through 5 forum websites to get some basic info.
Originally posted by Mystlynx
I sure hope it is wasd. And not sure what you have been playing, but neither Eve nor SWG work the way you are talking. SWG was wasd all the way for me. And Eve, you are clicking and double clicking all over the pla…
Personally my favorite set-up was the old school SWG. Maybe its because SWG was my first / favorite MMO but who knows. But if I had to pick one of those 2 choices then it would have to be WASD.
Originally posted by Degineth
It's a typical asian grind with elf chicks that look like 13 year olds that appeal to pedophiles and male elves that look like women, gay.
Right.....there aren't any elves in Aion and there never will be. Comments …
Originally posted by Degineth
It's an asian grind game, you can't pick the gender of your class
Im sorry but Im getting alittle tired of people calling this an asian grinder and not doing any research on Aion at all. You couldn't be more wrong…
What Rockjaw ment was if Aion is not out by Dec 18 2007 then please dont get angry with him. That just means Aion "should" be out before then which leaves every other month in 2007 as possible times for release. Closed beta will probably begin som…
If thats what we have to look forward to with Warhammer, then well I will have to pass. I was hoping that this might be a game that I could play but from what that video showed the pvp looks boring, As much as I hate to say it WoW wont have to wor…