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  • Ok, I can read Chinese, and understand Chinese. My Chinese is good, for short. I have played the Chinese version of Perfect World and I can say that it is a very good F2P game. Instances, it has one every 10 lvls (But the monsters are much higher lv…
  • Originally posted by ImCraZ I doubt it. If your not immature enough to play a female you shouldn`t even play this game.2moons has set an age for 17+ .Its just a game guys not real life. I like those sentences.
  • nope. its actually out next monday.
  • They should host a scissors-paper-stone contest, the winner gets into beta.
  • the reason i posted it here is because i cant find it at the main site -.-
  • i got to 15 in 1 1/2 hrs o.o...
  • Originally posted by sherwinjtb I've played enough games to know what I'm talking about... why bother insulting the pc when it works fine with other games -.- I don't care anymore, this game is for little kids. Then let me put it to you that, I'…
    in Start? Comment by Ryakaz August 2006
  • thats why flyff is very easy to lvl up. or u can try SRO, its lvl 52 is about flyff 100+? and maple lvl 35 (0.03%) is not the same as lvl 80 in flyff, because u have to note that in maple, u can 1 hit KO the monster. i got to 50(flyff) in 1/4…
  • graphics do matter. but not a whole lot.
  • other than the fun of bullying noobs/ksing ppl/2D graphics. i can think of no reason why ppl would even want to play this game. FLYFF FOREVER! the training. wouldn't say its hard, but wouldn't say its easy. 50 is the lvl you would normally get until…
  • Aibatt - lvl 50 mage (psykeeper to be) lvl 23 acrobat (need to get my mage strong first to pump my acro, jester to be) lvl 41 FS (RM TO BE)
  • flyff is not that childish you know. if you say that flyff is for ppl 8 and below. then maple is probably for babies. flyff is a fun game, it depends on how you look at it.
  • most people in flyff have a good attitude. but i must agree that some are really very irritating and you could call them "noobs". but overall, flyff is a fun game. you don't really need to grind a lot to level. there's PVP, boss hunting, pk (that's …
  • maple at 14? omg... that is like so easy to level, try to level at 80+, u get only 0.005% exp per mob. it was hell. and flyff is so not a hack and slash game only. its what you choose to do, u can hunt bosses with friends, talk nonsense with guild m…
    in slash Comment by Ryakaz August 2006
  • unstable imablanced characters? you're just seeing the starting for goodness sake. ever heard of early-game and late-game characters? hard work pays off you know. lag? there's no lag for me. bad community? yes some are bad. but most of them are…
  • its not the game thats laggy. i can move perfectly just find, no lag time. its just that your computer, how should i put it... is not up to standard yet?
    in Start? Comment by Ryakaz August 2006
  • you wan grind? play maple. flyff is not a grinding game. u can fight bosses, talk crap wif friends or guildmates or go PVP wif ppl of the same lvl. it depends on how you play it. basically it gets more fun at 25+. real fun. and maple is not very har…
  • Silkroad Online or... FLYFF - You will probably only understand the game at 15+.