My MMORPG Background:
-Ultima Online
-Dark Age of Camelot
-Star Wars Galaxies
-City of Heroes/Villains
-World of Warcraft
-Ever Quest II
-Tabula Rasa
-Guild Wars
-Age of Conan
-Lineage II
-Warhammer:Age of Reckoning
-Star Trek Online
-Fallen Earth
-EVE Online
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Everything about this event reminds me of the company I work for. They are too greedy for their own good; so, rather than invest in quality tech and equipment they buy the cheapest crap they can get by with. This is a medical company mind you and …
After participating in the beta I warned many of my friends that the game was just recycled ideas from previous MMOs that they were sick of. The developers merely tricked everyone into believeing it was this totally L337 new concept for a game they…
I'd say solo for the first month just to get a feel for the game. Once you get into a corp things start to get serious. I've tried to get into this game a few times over the years and just can't do it. I like the space them and all that; but, it …
Originally posted by MMO.Maverick
Originally posted by Murdus
That is a stupid approach. Why wouldn't you just play something you had fun with. I care not if a game is well or not, if I have fun playing it, I'm gonna buy it.
I don't thi…
I enjoyed AOE Online, it's a pretty solid game to pass the time away with. The quests get pretty challenging later in the game; which, is fun if you are into RTS games. The way the game plays reminds me of Age of Mythology; but, minus the mythical…
Originally posted by Fendel84M
This is an awful nightmare for a company, and I do feel bad. They are humans you know, despite what you think about SoE they aren't perfect.
Hitler wasn't perfect either; but, people naturally resent so…
Originally posted by AvatarBlade I think people would be more interested in sory if it was more then a page of text, so tor and gw2 might be on to something. Imo people will be alot more interested in the story if it's done through interactive cutsc…
I agree with the OP in that WoW is a magnet for all forms of scum. I've played countless MMOs over the years and WoW does have one of the worst communities ever. Even on the light servers the people are awful towards one another. The new dungeon …
Originally posted by Robokapp he's claiming an mmo launched a week ago will basically rule the industry for years to come. What can you do with this kind of statement?
let's look at it another way. a monthly subscription MMO of high hype and no mo…
Originally posted by Gajari
Originally posted by Wrender Blizzard! .../ Your reign is ending!
Man I hate dumbass posts like this. Blizzard is not going to take as huge a hit to its playerbase as you seem to think. Even if an MMO came out t…
I can't stand PvP. It was the reason I never got into MMORPGs till way later when they became more PVE friendly. The only reason I even play games multi-player is to have cooperative action in a gaming world. PVP attracts the worst people to game…
Originally posted by Wycliffe
Originally posted by wardog250
Ha ha, I've been hearing a lot about how they are OP. Kinda makes me want to try one; but, me likes me battleship too much.
Yeah, they are "OP" in a way. But like everything …
It feels that way for me. I liked a lot of the quests in the redone Azeroth zones and leveling up went so smoothly; but, when you finally get to 80 and hit the Cataclysm content, the new zones and dungeons, the game comes to an agonizing grind; whe…
My favorite patch note from Incursion:
Exploration & Deadspace
Wormholes will no longer bump you when you are on top of them. Minds out of the gutter, capsuleers!
Originally posted by NerdQuotes Always nice to see people who don't even care about the game get into beta, they need to do some kind of survey before they let people in!
Oh, I see. Let's be fair then, they shouldn't allow people into the …
I had more immersion playing table top Dungeons and Dragons at work, than I ever did playing any MMORPG. They are devoid of half the equation and there are NO MMOs past, present or in the near future that are going to fill that gap. That other hal…