IMO you should have your choice to solo/play with group etc.
Unfortunately you cannot always get what you want.
If you build a game up on Group play it IS going to die sooner or later(usually sooner).
On the other hand if you try to leave players…
Every company has done their mistakes, even if the mistake is horrible, you should always give them a 2nd chance imo. You never know what they could turn up with
I dont see anywhere that WoW is top MMO ? you think it cause youre one of the 10-12 year old people that makes 80% of wow communtiy wow attracts only people that dont know the mmo-s true nature . and on wow isnt even on the list cau…
If you end up with a PRO it may be aswell as completed but most of the times i think NOT . cause still 1 pro and a newbie doesn't make a so called "good party" but yes you may call the MR. that drops Greenies *drools* As good as Dead !
LMAO ! thats true and i think most of the people think that way . atleast "normal" people and i think thats the reason why WOW like games arent on the toplist ... thanks for owning me
LMAO ! it may be so but i think it consists a bit of every part the nightfall was an example beacouse even nightfall consists a part of proph and fact. so
I own you too !
Actually Kyle there are alot LAME mmorpg-s That are like you grind yourway to lvl 100 and then you are a Super PoWERHOUSE and you kill everyone by yourself. and lmao . thats LAME so yes its always more fun with other players than AI Imo.
I Own Yo…
the 2 classes are enogh of a "groundbreaker" so i think yes you should get it the storyline is quite good too and if you have the money why not ? i think the eye of a north consists a bit of nightfall story so yes GO AND BUY IT
Its good to have all of them for (ex. factions has the best necro minion ) and Dervish is alot of fun in nightfall...too bad they have nerfed it ... and the storylines they are just awesome id say buy them all if you have money but not all at 1 ti…
As much as i know gw has its own developed engine and i should say good work. the graphics is super compared to the lag anyway its a great engine and i think its about to improve alot more when gw2 comes out
disguise would be something dumb. it may be fun for 1 hour but not forever almost every game has class-coordinated clothes and warrior wearing a necromancer set ? umm even the body structure wont fit in there a big muscleman in a tiny necro set ? …
you say must have fun and not to rush for lvl 5 million so why don't you like gw then? there are alot of ppl who say "hello" and you dont have to get super5million lvls its just plain fun you get your lvl 20 and then its quests , missions and fun !
I think it is worth it and im going to get 1 for me too at christmas
i think the games for psp are still in the making beacouse the console aint very old .
and i like the sony's activity ... the psp has ALOT of features that half arent even yet work…
i'm into capoeira if anyone knows what it is.
i really enjoy it.
it really helps too if running somewhere or from someone
and it has gave alot of strenght
it is just really fun actually and not even hard
you just have to be confident and full of en…
i think next huge game is going to be Guildwars nightfall
or mm. not so huge beacouse alot of games are free and everyone plays f2p games more than p2p but guildwars nightfall will be 1 of the best played games i hope
so yeah gw is best of all …
as to say nightfall was pretty good
but the preview time was only 3days
i think its a little low. and until game release there is 1 month i cant wait to get my hands on nightfall
already preordered it and for the rest of ppl getting into …
i think for a newbie prophecies is the best.
factions is pretty freaky . everything filled whit china stuff.
i dont like it . but umm better that then nothing
nightfall looked very promising too so
nightfall on prophecies i suggest...
hah lol i think there are pretty much girlplayers they just don't say that they are girls -.-
lol and no wonder. there are pretty much horny fags all over mmo's
not that i am just even they annoy even man not only girls . they are pretty much GAY as…