I used to play this game, since launch almost (Alb/Guin and Alb/Gareth), quit earlier this year. I think this so called 'troll' is spot on correct.
I quit because DR and LotM are pretty much clones of ToA in many ways (that and clustering changes).…
Fire does ALOT more damage with thier two bolts than does Earth. If you are going Fire wizard you will be a bolt specialist, the DD is pretty good too, one of the highest delve DDs in the game. Heat has always been high on people's resist priorities…
Realm Pride removed by clustering ( we need merging or a long realm timer )
Amen Cyberwiz.This was the straw that broke the camels back for me. Until they get rid of clustering I dont thing I will go back.
I disagree that RvR is foremost on m…
I think its great that Funcom is finally giving these gold sellers and powerlevellers some competition. Just in time too, I am seeing more and more spam for websites selling credits cheap. Every single online game out there is pretty much an Item ma…
Edumacation is required here. Here is a good start....
I will say that alot of this aversion to someone playing a different gender is probably based on homophobia. According to this institute and alot of stuides…
Thank you for asking!
I got real excited about eve, even created my character on my real birthday.
I left real quick for what some would consider silly reasons, but in spaceship games these things are important to me.
Two things, firstly, m…
Bah, there are always schisms between European and American servers. Neither one is better, just different approaches. And different times of peak activity.
I think better advice is dont start playing in Albion right now, most severs greatly favo…
Why look forward to warhammer? ive played daoc over 5 years and have seen it fall into a horrid mess of a game step by step. Like a frog in a pot of water I was, finally got to hot and am lucky I could still jump out before I boiled. Remember Earth…
There are many people who believe, and who want bush impeached, for many reasons, not just this one.
This is hardly the place to discuss it though, arguing about politics on an open internet forum for me is kind of like hitting my head against a…
The system requirements are the only thing that bothers me. Bless those game makers who are starting to make decent, popular games with lower requirements. Things are getting too crazy if you ask me. I will have an AMD 3.something and a few gigs of…
Oh heck, you had to make this political didn't you? Bush admin altered the votes, Kerry did win really. Not that I was for either one. I voted for Leonard Peltier.
I knew funcom could do it, i've long played Anarchy Online, great …
I too was playing DAoC in its first year. I too am extremely saddened at the lack of PvE groups. I do not want to play on Gaheris to get a good PvE experience. I stuck with this game so long because it was rooted in ancient lore of presentday Irelan…
I wish it could be geared to the old old Star Trek Universe, like the old 80s FASA book,pencil and dice games. Im not really interested in anything from TNG and beyond, the only reason I watched TNG in the 80s was because of Patrick Stuart, and mayb…
I had a unique roleplay experience with the first character I played in Dark Age of Camelot, I was in Albion, a (at the time) rare Rejuvination Cleric, female. I roleplayed a member of the clergy to the fullest. I rarely accepted gifts from anyone (…
Amen to the Free Internet!!!
I am male and I play female characters almost exclusively. I was raised by my mother and 2 sisters so it comes more naturally for me to do so. But then again, I too roleplay (I lasted about 17 months too! )I am in a v…
Ive always admired Funcom as a company. I very much liked Anarchy Online over the years. That compared with the Ancient Earth World style of Age of Conan places my loyalty with this game. I like a game with at least a shread of reality in it. I also…