Wow- coming from someone who actually got a tremendous amount of game time in for vanilla DAoC, I can't believe the creator is doing a kickstarter. Only in my dreams! Take your time Mark! I'll be waiting!
I forgot to mention why you need a good motherboard.. I got a SOYO Motherboard before my new one.. and had to return it because it didnt run well with ATI products.. it would crash my computer and automaticly go into standby and restart.. and give b…
I work for best buy as Geek Squad and I'm kinda like the guy that does computer work.. and fix the computers mostly and I put together my computer as well.. I would recommend that if you buy an ATI Radeon thats 9700+ make SURE you get a 350-400 watt…
Originally posted by Innferno
What a wonderfully entertaining and insightful post.
I read it the first time and it just seemed to be mindless drivel. Then I looked a little more closely and found it to but utter genius!
In fact, you seem so br…
On response to what Thoom said.. I agree.. my cousin has one.. he runs it great aswell
Darkage of Camelot | Since Day 1 |
Seabasz 50 Hero | Lancelot / Hib
Seabas 50 Enchanter | Lancelot / Hib
Vlyden …
Oops I need to correct something I said.. so I dont make enemies lol.. I ment ATI Radeon X800 PRO is the second best for ATI products.. and ATI Radeon X800 XT is the best for ATI products also.. I understand some may think that Gforce has the best g…