MaDeuce said:
Slapshot1188 said:
MaDeuce said:
virgommo said:
Slapshot1188 said:
Are you a developer? You talk about “we” this and “we” that so I assume the answer is yes,
He's either a Dev or a PR S…
Slapshot1188 said:
Are you a developer? You talk about “we” this and “we” that so I assume the answer is yes,
He's either a Dev or a PR Shill. Since his account creattion 6 months ago the only posts he has made have been to praise the …
OMG all the faction i'll need to grind.
All the faction grind requirements from allied races unlocks are being removed in shadowlands, just a FYI. You only need to do the rest of the achievement now, and they would unlock during pre-patch.
Jeesh, why the hate? Ok, it's a survival, not your cup o tea? I'm sure it's someones. Let it stand or fail on it's own merits. Its just a GAME, enjoy it or don't. But I just see no point in the "on look it's another X type game" hate train. Which c…
Gdemami said:
TimEisen said:
since my column has seemingly led to our site losing COE access
...and now you gonna play a victim card. Losing an access was well deserved afterall.
How does one lose access over something t…
I for one am tired of all the "Dev Talk", stop telling me things and SHOW me things. All to often we hear these grandiose ideas, concepts and plans. But when boots hit the dirt, you see none of it. "Sorry, this didn't make it to release, this featur…
Did you guys forget to add the sponsored tag? Because with this spoon-fed dribble, it can't be anything other than lip service and their PR department handing you the questions and answers already typed for you....of all the things that SHOULD be sa…
Octagon7711 said:
Asm0deus said:
Going to give it a spin but which NA server Hilan or Kalros and which faction should I choose Union or Heiron?
Good question. I just D/Ld the game and got to that part and had to logout because…
There will be no walking for the Beyond Season, and chapter 4 isn't due til Q4. Past that who can say
Sandro - Jan 2018
The team and I all see Space Legs as the feature we will love to add and are at the top of our specification, but it's…
Life has been my biggest surprise. Has had it's ups and downs but overall a positive experience. It's easy to get into out of the gate with an arguably fun way to to win a copy. My biggest gripe, would be it's forced subscription model. Once you op…
I'm really surprised ESO hasn't gone the GW2 route of base game for free. At this point, it seems they would gather much more sales via cash shop (considering the cost of most items) than lost by the buy in of the base game.
Let's say a miracle happened and this game was the BEST game in the world. Did and had everything anyone could even want in a game, I'd still not play it. For one very simple reason, Trion. If this was a beacon of light in the MMO world, Trion would…
I love still hearing the crazy conspiracy theories about CoH, SWG etc, they are still entertaining to this day.
To those in the "it was making money, no reason to close it down". The one thing that is never talked about is the RUNNING cost. Now th…
Not a bug per say, but we've all done something similar at one time or another as this guy.....EQ Storytime from Wayback.
I was invisible and running through the Karanas one day when I noticed a young gnome near the gypsy camp. He was fighting a li…
Kyleran said:
...and a partridge in a pear tree....
He wouldn't like that either...the pears are only able to be landed on by tab targeting, and I hear it's a sandbox jumping puzzle. PVP is pretty harsh, full loot and the Bird, Worm, C…
Congradulations, you started with Pong, so you're an old shit just like me. This tells me 2 things...the afore mentioned, and the fact that you're old enough to know better than to sling shit in a tantrum.
You're a die hard gamer...yet had no use f…
TheDarkrayne said:
I vote for no more news about 2050 on this site.
No need to go that far...just change "news" when talking about Defiance to "dark comedy". I mean, everyone needs a good laugh.