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  • Originally posted by Draenor My issue with Nick Cage being ghostrider is more of a personal preference in how I see the man as an actor...he is good in some things, like gone in 60 seconds, but as a hero he just doesn't convince me...he doesn't ha…
  • Originally posted by Gamewize ...Is the Germ Theory REALLY a theory anymore? I mean...its kidna ben proven up the wazoo. And Draenor is right, you need to take a chill pill, Evolution IS just a theory, though so is Intelligent Design, and it gets …
  • Originally posted by Draenor Originally posted by Kuzzle *Edited to make the mods job easier* First of all, you need to calm down. Second, nobody said that just because these things were theory that it makes them untrue, at least I didn'…
  • Originally posted by Anageth Originally posted by Draenor Originally posted by Anageth I'm looking forward to :- The Prestige An Inconvenient Truth GhostRider I cried when I saw that list. I won't even get started on Al Gore's pie…
  •    Uh... I would guess just anything out of the ordinary. If something feels not quite right, go have a doctor check it out, I guess... I don't know. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
  • Originally posted by Rikimaru_X That don't sound accurate for some reason.    Indeed.
  •    Phantasy Star Universe    Hero's Journey    Mass Effect    That Marvel Online thing who's name escapes me right now...    Spore    A bunch of others that I'm forgetting...    I don't know which would rank the highest, but Phantasy Sta…
  •    So... Wouldn't that make it so it would make more sense for someone to immigrate illegally, than it would for them to immigrate legally? I mean, sounds a little backwards to me.    Oh, and thanks for explaining that for me.
  • Originally posted by Razorback Now where do you find a girl that do that    Oh, and from a mod, too. Shame, shame.
  •    Well, I wouldn't recommend drinking most things other than water, anyway. I'm not really one to talk, though, since I still need to lose weight... I've got the "diet food" part pretty down, and I rarely eat something that's at all fattening, but …
  •    That's because there's no such thing as karma! "Divine justice" simply doesn't exist.    If you want to get ahead in life, you have to be assertive. If you want good things to happen to you, you have to make them happen. Sure, there are things …
    in Karma Comment by Kuzzle October 2006
  • Originally posted by Aelfinn Originally posted by patheos Your tale of crippling side effects intrigues me...go on. The biggest part of aging is the body breaking down its own cells. Certain chemicals responsible for this have been identified.…
  •    Well, uh... Haha! Seriously, though, I've never had anything confiscated from me before. I mean, I've taken fingernail clippers onto a plane before, about three years ago, and they didn't have a problem with it. I don't know, maybe that was befor…
  •    Uh, ok... Hello, and welcome to our community. Please whipe your feet on the way in. Smoking is prohibited within 50 feet of the building. Please wash your hands after using the restrooms. We thank you for not spitting indoors. Have a nice day, s…
  •    I say do it. If there's one thing I must stress, though, it's this: TOASTER OVEN, TOASTER OVEN, TOASTER OVEN! Seriously, I love those things.    Also, you know... It's just good to get out of your parent's house. I'm waiting until I'm 18, thoug…
  •    Goodbye, Mozis. I'll hold down the fort! ...Seriously, I've got nothing else to do.  Oh wait! I'm supposed to get busy with getting my GED this week, so that's... what, like 7 or 8 hours, counting the pretest and the time taken to get from here t…
    in Goodbye! Comment by Kuzzle October 2006
  • Originally posted by patheos Originally posted by Orthosin They said one of my post was trolling, but it wasnt but their the boss. Im just saying though when they send a email they say some pretty threating stuff lol Is it me or did any one else…
  • Originally posted by Draenor Just curious, what exactly would be put on this test?  It's hardly possible to test mental maturity from an objective standpoint, let alone with a standardized test.    Depends on what they're testing for. You know,…
  •    The age of consent should be 16... I don't know why, just saying.    As for other things, people should have to pass a test before they're allowed to do them. Take age out of the picture, just put a test. If you never pass the test, you're neve…
  •    Dude, if you did, your kid could be just like a pharoah! You know, all inbred and fucked up...    Oh, and: Ha! Sideboob... Sorry, I just think it's a funny word.