I got a refund, but not because I didn't like the game or the subscription fee or anything like that, I just didn't have any time to play the beta between college and all sorts of other stuff and I don't see that changing any time soon.
They were …
Originally posted by Ginkeq
Originally posted by arenasb
Skill at a video game, lol. There is no skill, there is applied knowledge and if you want say that is skill then so be it. Hit a 90 mph fastball with a baseball bat, now that is skill.
Put me on the list of preorders.
I got roped in because it kind of reminds me of Gears of War, not so much the look or the story or anything just the fact that it's 3rd person and the teams are small to give it a more tactical feel.
A lot of peo…
My god how do you people deal with this guy?
This is exactly why I hardly ever post on these forums it's like a breeding ground for ignorance.
And I've always thought the notion that anything in a video game is inherently hard was ridiculous unl…
Originally posted by darkgamerx
Originally posted by SyrupBoy
downloading dark ages, going to try the trial . Thank you!
You can play the "trial" for free as long as you…
So this looks like a pretty pimp game. But what exactly do I need to do?
The wiki tells me to get tree branches and craft and stuff, but all the trees are in territory already owned by someone.
I literally wandered around for like 30 minutes loo…
Originally posted by Snoutimus
Originally posted by Lizard_SF
Originally posted by JGMIII
Shit gets alot better once you're out of school trust me.
Ditto this.
High School is *meaningless*. Trust me, the LAST thing you want is to look ba…
I didn't seem to be having any trouble with live. I couldn't do anything with it when i was on the dashboard but it worked just fine ingame. But hell if I'm getting a free game out of this they should sue for stupid things more often.
I have always had enough money for my mount when I got to 40. I usually take mining and skinning but I never really bother leveling skinning after awhile. I think it would be better to smelt the ore into bars first until that stops giving you exp be…
They already said that the DX9 Multiplayer doesn't have any of the fancy physics. The DX10 Version will though, each one is supposed to have separate servers.
Originally posted by rishaki
Wow ripoff with no endgame and crap pvp, you might aswell stay with wow since its a deeper and better game in most way. This game is 100% for casual players and generaly boring even if casual, just comunity is somewha…
Originally posted by Railgunner
They could have done the x-pac right... They should have required that players complete a quest by killing the end boss in Naxx before opening up the level cap and they could have easily prevented level 60's and 6…
Originally posted by arieste
Originally posted by Sacrificiall
So If you could all reccomend some to me , I would appreciate it.
Things I'm looking for in my New MMO:
1) A High Populations ~ I like to play with lots of other people in the game …
The Game didn't really get fun for me at all until in my low 30's. Then the mid-late 30's was really boring (after I got out of stranglethorn and into desolace/the badlands) Then it started to pick up again at 40 when I got my mount and got to quest…