You can play games with your chromebook at college campus, thats their main market. Also people with sucky computers who want to play games with all graphics maxed out. Look at the comp requirements for cyberpunk and you can see the appeal.
I guess perfect world is looking to adopt EA's business model.
1) find a moderately successful developer team and buy it
2) milk the teams fame till there is nothing left
3) sack the dried up husk of a team and return to step 1
Faction vs faction there will always be massive groups running around that solo players can join up with. In FFA servers solo players can expect to die a lot in.
As far as ive read. They are going to have rock, paper, scissors type of pvp. The game is being balanced for large scale pvp, not for 1v1 pvp.
Other than that, there will be different rulese t servers, from full loot ffa to faction vs faction to li…
Look at this pretty bag! It may have in it all your hopes and dreams fullfilled or then it might just have some dog turd in it...WHO KNOWS!! BUT LOOK HOW PRETTY THE BAG IS! STARTS AT 100$/BAG
Most "uo clones" tend to just think making big empty world with ffa pvp makes uo.They should think of the whole. Uo was great as basic day ln uo was about logging on in your house and pondering "hmm what should i do today? Go to dungeon x or y or z?…
Its always sad when mmo not trying to be "just like wow but better #35654568" fails to be born.
Its silly how publishers are still throwing money on wow clones when players are starving for something new.
DMKano said:
even 10mil is just way too small a budget for a MMO IMO.
heck 10 years ago AAA MMOs cost 40mil, now the cost has skyrocketed.
i am very curious what they will deliver in such a tight budget
Ive seen games …
Wii sold like hotcakes and its specs were awful compared to ps3 or xbox360. Nintendo has never really concentrated on being latest and greatest on specs, they've concentrated on being different and fun. So far i see switch being different and fun.
Like i said on another thread, i see this as nintendo scrapping poorly selling wii line and just making 3ds successor that can be alternatively played on big screen as well.
I think theyve just done 1+1 conclusion. Nintendo 3ds sells like hotcakes, wii u doesn' they scrapped wii line and made 3ds successor, that can be alternatively played on big screen, instead.
Theocritus said:
That game looks 20 years old already....Do people really want to back something that looks that dated?
Heck there is good amount of us who are willing to play even text based game if the games content is good.
This game went from open world mmorpg to planetside style mmofps to battlefield style fps to arcade style lobby shooter. It was like they cast a dice once every 6 months to see what kind of game they should be making.
Ultima Online had amazing live events ran by voluenteers untill 1-2 of the voluenteers (may they forever be cursed with incontinense) hired bunch of ambulance chasers and sued EA for ea having them work for free. That ended uo having 24/7 mini live …