To answer your question if SWG is boring -------> NO!!!!!
It's a great game which gives you an impression of a really existing world with all its +tives and -negatives. Profession system is the best among all MMOs. You can create fairly unique …
I don't see the game being so tragic. Hologrinders are not so common these days cuase people having Jedis are not "quite happy" and usually come back to their former characters. It can change with Jedi remapping based on the quest system but there i…
SWG is a great game, it's the best MMO ever and i don't think any of the upcoming games can beat it (especially with Space expansion). It has a storyline (unusual feature for MMO), it has missions, it has a beautiful scenario and the best possible c…
IMO the best MMO is SWG. Great fun and fantastic community plus technically it's brilliant. STAR WARS: GALAXIES!!!
I've been to many places, i've seen so many faces...
Exactly. The game has changed a lot and it is still changing, nor because of the bugs, neither because of any mistakes done during development and "final tuning". This MMO is rapidly evolving world full of adventure and with a great community playin…
Originally posted by zenty
I played eq as well. I have GREAT respect for it since it introduced me to MMORPGs. However, the eq economy is growing stagnate. They keep inflating it by injecting more and more and more powerful items. These items dont …
I would recommend SWG. It has a great story, nice missions (sometimes maybe a bit monotonous but nothing is perfect), the best PvP system (based on the Civil War), great graphics and friendly community. IMO the best MMO you can play now
I've been…
Originally posted by Blacksmith
Sorry to hear it.
I think you'll find out (as most of us have) that this game is a griefer's dream but a Star Wars fan's worst nightmare.
Well maybe you can sell it later on...
Sorry to say it but YOU ARE NOT …
Unfortunately i didin't get in . But life goes on and SWG rules the scifi MMO scene. Anyway it's pity a can't compare it to anything new outthere.
I've been to many places, i've seen so many faces...
Thank you for a great preview of CoH. Even i don't think i'll even try the game (i always wanted to be either a paladin (WoW) or a Bounty Hunter (SWG) ), nevertheless it was a great reading. It is really nice that at least someone tries to come out …
I did the CB. Honestly i didn't like it too much and i don't even play OB but if you had fun playing Lineage I or you play on soem PvP EQ server, you would love the game. Atmosphere is good to hold you for a long time, graphics is great, community s…
Ramadin, at first stop trying to convince everyone around you that EQ is th best game. We had this discussion before and i don't know what's wrong with you man, if you love the game, no problem, love it but don't say people around you that EQ is som…
The status of the game:
SWG changed a lot. With many patches which were introduced during last 2-3 weeks (don't remember exactly ) SWG became pretty much the game we expected to have after its release. I agree we still don't have SpaceShips but de…
Hi friend,
SWG is not a complicated game considering your character. You can choose any race you want and you ca still become very powerful in any class. It's a good feature of this game. My dream combination was Zabrak Bounty HUnter/Imperial supp…
OK guys. I hope we will remain "virtual friends". If someone got offended, sorry. I shake your hands and i hope one day we will meet in our ideal MMORPG to have fun questing, exploring, and helping each other and create "ideal" MMORPG society. Sorry…
You took me wrong dude. I like MMOs. I pay SWG and Horizons nad both games (especially SGW) are great. The only thing i said was about EQ which i don't like anymore because of very very arrogant community. I prefer games in which you have a lot of n…
Try SWG or Horizons. It these gamesyou can improve you status very easily and you don't need to invest ages to be able to play. In my opinion SWG is a better game but if you don't like sci-fi, get Horizons. It's an easy game with nice features (comm…
Dude i had lvl65 druid with more or less the best gear available . This game sucks because it just sucks. It's made for arogant freaks like you are, who can show themselves only and only in EQ. I play SWG and i'm completely satisfied with the game .…
Look, you became aggresive . What i said was: it is not the main point to have the best gear ovethere, MMORPGs should be based on questing, on quests which change the world itself, not just one's look, capisto???
Everyone wants to be the most power…
Great post and thanx very very much. This game looks like it can fullfil experienced player expectations and new player as well. Can't wait til the final release. This "sleeper" can show "big guys" what MMORPG can offer.
Thanx again