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  • k thanks i figured it would not have pvp like daoc but just had to ask gonna go play daoc now.
  • Originally posted by Loke666 Originally posted by Worstluck DAoC 2 your time was..... Three years ago!  Unfortuantely we got Warhammer Online instead.  I have a bad feeling that Mythic will not be making any more new games in the future. …
  • i was playing in july decided take a break but i will start to play again for ywain
  • Originally posted by hooks Originally posted by FESjohn Do you think mythic should make a DAOC 2 since WAR is not as good as they planed it out to be   Making a DAOC 2 would be a terrible idea. I think they should FIX/TAKE OUT all the crap…
    in Daoc 2 Comment by FESjohn May 2009
  • the first time i saw WAR i thought it looked to much like WOW with the cartoonish they should made it look more like DAOC more relastic.
  • everyone thought WAR was going be a great game. well it really sucks and DAOC is still better and old and people still play it WAR will never be like that because Mythic fucked it up could made it so much better.
  • fuck WAR if their was DAOC 2 i would go fucken crazy would be greatest thing ever WAR going suck and people gonna leave DAOC for a sucky ass game like WAR that plain sad
  • i will try WAR but i think i  will end up going back daoc daoc you do not need to pvp in WAR you i like pvp but sometimes you just like going pve i think that wil lbe alot of the diffrence for me and other players
  • I think a DAOC 2 would be better than WAR. DAOC 2 would have more people play because people who quit Daoc will think hell why not take a chance on this FUCK WAR
  • I like lord lotro but was not as good as i thought. alot of the quest bored me but ok game i guess but i am going back to a game i know is great Dark Age Of Camelot.
  • DAOC i think was one of the best mmo WAR i think is 2 cartonish for me and i know many DAOC players WAR is not as good as DAOC will ever be DAOC will ive thru the release of WAR end of story Rezzzzzzzzzzz lvl 50 cleric daoc act gotank lvl 50 me…
  • I play on my lvl 50 vamp on pellinor alot now thaere lot of good fight i get in i do not know if you talking about bg or big boy rvr but pvp is not worst WOW i think is so gay the pvp Guild Wars have good pvp sometimes i guess .
  • i say go with cab u can take down purp most time lvl if speced right i think they one of funnest pet class to play next to minstrel in my oppion
  • i agree with u Werrpa like people have gay names people seem to be going crazy. Like today when playing on mid 2 guys going crazy about a blue killing them getting mad at me when im just running by .Everyone seem crazier people invite people just to…
  • DAOC is great game i left a year ago i come back by 3 weeks i already  have a 2 lvl 50 reaver and level 50 vamp 49 mauler 49 infil and 48 sb that all in 3 weeks man y did i leave this gamehas great rvr good pve which has gotten even more fun for me …
  • I say come back i got my vamp 41 one week no cata nothing above toa i used. Game so fun and 1.88 going be great!
  • NO DAOC is a better game than Dragons and dungens could not last 5 year with people likeing it still DAOC lasted 5 years and it still get new player Drgaon and dungen suck.
  • Yes i think it is the greatest pvp game right now. If people who made games wanted to i think they could make a better pvpv game. Dark age of camelot rules!!!!!!!!!!!
  • i do not get it this has nothing do with my post on daoc but why people who 30 and 40  years old play. Get a life plz quit daoc if ur older than 29.