The raid is a lot of fun, but man Bethesda needed about 3 more weeks to squash all the bugs and exploits in it.
I got kicked out of a raid group last night for NOT cheating.
What really gets me is they will eventually patch the exploits, a…
I hope this turns out good. There are not enough sci-fi MMOs out there. There needs to be plenty of things to do at end game other than guild vs guild PvP to be a hit.
This game has nice graphics and pretty fun life skills. I disliked how all the classes seemed pretty similar and how your character became flagged for PvP after a certain level.
Angrakhan said:
Theocritus said:
Whats the point of leveling faster if everything scales with your level?
I was mulling this question in my mind over because I started playing Fallout 76 due to it being on sale for…
The impression I got from T&L reviews is that PvE content is light and repetitive once you hit max level and it turns into more guild based PvP. This article makes it seem like there is plenty of PvE to do. Is this the case now?
This is a good, fun survival game with some looter shooter elements. I'm really enjoying it the first time through.
My biggest beef is (unlike Fallout 76) I *think* player's bases stay up when the player is offline. The starter area was very …
Gameplay is super fun and I am really enjoying it. It uses Unreal Engine 5 and the character models look nice.
Tip: upgrade your important modules like HP and defense or you will start to struggle against harder enemies.
The theme reminds me of Outward another open world RPG. You start off as a no level villager and have to really struggle to survive. These games are a nice change of pace from the "You are the hero and it's your destiny to save the world." type ga…
I prefer playing in first person and creating my own characters, but I am willing to give this a try. I hope there will be a good bit of ways to customize your playstyle.
I still miss Anthem. I wish Bioware would have doubled down on it and f…
The "controversy" over the description change is silly. They are just changing it for marketing purposes to one that console players might be more familiar with.
I feel this game would be doing well if they had continued to add meaty content…
The way I play Fallout 76 is with multiple characters. Each character has a different playstyle, (unarmed, rifleman etc.) so I can customize the armor and legendary perks just for that character. I find having a clear focus for the character reall…
I liked the looks of the game and the nice, relaxing gameplay. I just couldn't get into it because there was no character advancement. It was all cosmetic only. You grind all day just so you could have a different color sail or an eye patch or wh…
It's crazy right now. Fallout 76 had about 8k concurrent on Steam when I played two weeks ago and now there is over 50k as I type this. Every server is filled with about 90% lower level characters.
I want this to be good too. I hope they don't rush this out to meet some deadline. If there's not enough content or some system isn't working good, I would much rather have them delay it 6 months over coming out to bad reviews and poor sales.
I can't believe they mentioned .Hack//Sign. It is one of dullest, slow paced animes you will ever watch. Literally over half the anime are characters standing around town talking about what they have done or what they want to do.
Most of that list are free-to-play and cheap to buy games. You have millions of players (mostly young people) whose only choice is to play something cheap or free.
If companies can make good games and keep the price reasonable (like Helldive…
Scribing is an interesting addition. This will be the first MMORPG I have ever played that let the player make their own skills. It should let the players make all kinds of crazy builds.
I think it would be cool if they made it when you are creating a character you have to make a hard choice to which faction you belong to (House Atreides, House Harkonnen, Fremen etc) and you get different perks/abilities depending on your choice.
I am hoping this will turn out to be more of a multiplayer open world exploration RPG with heavy survival elements (which makes sense due to the harsh environment).
I hope it's not just a clone of other survival games set in the Dune world sett…