A FFXIV style dungeon run is the last thing i want to hop into. They are boring af. The worst part of FFXIV imo. I can’t stand their linear and boring dungeons.
EVE is a crap game made for RP’ers who are a bunch of edgelords and basement dwellers yelling at their moms for more hot pockets. They have corporate or military style command system. If you want to really advance in the game and role play as a spac…
Viotek are utter garbage that I would t wish on my enemy. If you see one and feel one in person you will understand what a true ghetto budget monitor is and also appreciate a good quality monitor from Asus and the like.
I’m liking this new column. I’m not an audiophile per say, but I appreciate quality enthusiast products. These things are comically large. Really cool tho.
Ricossa may take the cake for most bland and personality devoid developer in gaming. Dude never says anything other then the BS talking points his bosses tell him to. I’ve watched him for ten years and couldn’t tell you a single thing about him othe…
I wish they would make wow2 with a more adult theme with realistic graphics as opposed to the goofy cartoon game wow is. They could resurrect Titan or whatever it’s name was that was supposed to be a wow successor. Give me a fun sub based mmorpg of …
Fame? More like infamy. Craptic is a AA developer who churns out one cash grab turd after the next. I wish whales wouldn’t keep their games running. If they didn’t have such beloved IP in Trek and D&D they would have gone out of business long ag…
The original switch is a child’s toy of a console. I’m happy to see they are improving it. It still won’t be a buy for me unless they improve the controllers, add Bluetooth, improve the speakers, add app support for Disney +, Netflix, crunchy roll ,…
I’ve tried getting into WoW at least six times over the last decade. I can never stick with it because I absolutely hate the character models, the armor and weapons, and the cartoony art style and cheesy sound fx. I’m very visual and the look of a g…