i am all for being about skills im just sayin why cant it be both skillbased and attack faster then every 5 seconds? is it really that hard to do? if you played or watch a football game you can say that alot can happen in 5 seconds. you have to know…
well with people being as cheap as they are and havnt upgraded their computers for 6 years i doubt it. people still play ultima online with its graphics out of date so i doubt this game would do anything about it. now i believe wow will not be on th…
In eve you as the player really dont do anything. all you do in eve is click and watch. you cant even manually move your ship around you just tell it to go somewhere. how can anyone feel like they accomplish something if they do not directly do anyt…
here are a few things you can do. break your computer or lock yourself out of your house. how about going to the mall or a club? meet some new people and do everything they want to do.
Darkfall Online will probably be the biggest competition to wow. Darkfall is actually showing that their can be a different way to play mmo's and i am sure everyone is curious to see it. hopefully the wow people can try it out and see that you do no…
the biggest problem most people have with wow i think is the fact that it takes so much time just to do anything in that game. the dungeons take like 4 hours which is pretty much all the free time some people have. think about it, 24 hours in a day …
it makes more sense if you look at it this way. this is like real life you have the people who dress normal, dress in dark clothes all the time, and the people who dress in weird ways just to stand out. everyone hates the standout people who in ret…
its been posted before.
so what heres an idea DONT LOOK AT IT. think of it this way your character is told the knowledge needed to complete the quest. he then puts it in his or her memory and marks it on a map he or she is thinking of. so really y…
i dont see the problem with it. as with real life your have people who dont like each other as well as people who dont really care if you look different. people can even go as far as being racist if you cant form groups with other races but lets no…
1 so is every other mmo
2 any proof behind this?
3so is every other mmo
4 ignore them maybe?
5 would you rather hold down the up arrow?
6 so does every other mmo developer
7 they are made to balance the game out
8 they are probably bus…
heres an idea, DONT LOOK AT IT. look at it this way, your character was told the knowledge that is needed to complete the quest and stored it in his or hers memory and placed that knowledge on a map he or she is thinking of. so you are looking into …