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  • Originally posted by grimboj All of the sudden there was a huge buzz about beta.... I got my guaranteed key.... now Im jus watching the tumbleweeds go past. These guys better put their foot on the gas before STO or huxley start over taking them o.0 …
  • Sounds like an interesting idea. It would definitely help the symbiosis between player and the toon character - makes him/her actually grow into his profession (Fable had something similar if i recall correctly).
  • There have been a couple of discussions about housing in the main forums. As I said above they mentioned something like kinship/guild hall housing for the start. It's the same thing with mounts - the devs said that they were thinking about it but i…
  • They were speaking about kinship housing at least. But I could imagine that they will do instance housing like in EQ 2. I doubt they will do something like in SWG - it just wouldn't fit the scenery.
  • I'm by no means an PvP player but I think this is the best soloution for all. The point is very clear - Tolkien states that evil races are the minons of Sauron (or an evil lord) and thus have "no intelligence". Now we could discuss the term "intel…
  • /ditto. Its not because under 18 are bad testers its because they can't enforce legal action against you if you decide to break the NDA. Sorry man bit s*** happens
  • Yeah but if I read this correctly. It just really says we entered a big bin full of tickets - there is no real mention that we are "Preferred". Just states that we will get in eventually as they may need new testers.... Lets say they need 500 teste…
  • Seems like we're all in the same boot now. Lets see when they start letting ppl actually in.
  • Interesting find but ususally thats not the way this works. They need to either send us a beta key which we register at turbines site (8-16 digits long) or have turbine contact the winners. I think they will send a list of the winners to turbine and…
  • One comment - I guess everybody who posts here will be playing the game eventually - and yes that includes the people that screen that the game will fail and so on.... They actaully will probably end up being there for a short period only to satisfy…
  • To be honest I can understand the above oster and others. I was just lucky to see the email and respond in time. As I understand it doesn't matter for this last one to confirm - the winners and their information should have been allready sent to tu…
  • Wish you guys good luck on this. Hopefully this is over soon and we can move on to the next step.
  • As the poster mentioned above I think we have to wait till all tickets are claimed. Then we'll see what happens. I personally think they should at least let us know what the procedure is in this case. Thanks for the contest - i think it helps the g…
  • I honestly haven't played AC, AC 2 or DDO, so my opinion doesn't really count. But every game has it challenges and experience with server handling, customers support, game development can be very usefull. Now if they screw up one game it may have o…
  • Game graphics we seen look very good. I would not give it full 10 but I would say between 8.5 and 9.3. The reason why I will not give the 10 is because its still in Alpha haven't seen the full capacity of the engine yet.
  • I think they will come up with many mobs. Just becasue you could technically put almost every mob ever though about in mythology into it. Just make it lore compliant and voila ... well they use of magic or a total magical being is a little bit diffi…
  • Downloading it right now - lets see what new it will show. Hope we get some nice images.
  • I don't think they will run into any shortages - I guess the books and various sources will give the devs enough inspirations of what to put into game and what not. I do think that they have various skins for each monster class and hopefully they wi…
  • Yep - there will be housing.But to what extent and how it will be implemented is unknown. There is talk of instanced housing like in EQ2 or only kinship housing. Devs are very silent on that topic atm.
  • I know - balancing and testing comes first. I don't wanne pay for a game (at least not $50) and end up finding out the testers didn't do the job and the program has been rushed. I prefer a somewhat stable game. Don't get me wrong - i don't mind bugs…