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  • Personally I mostly end up flying minmatar ships in pvp, while being specialised in minmatar, caldari and gallente across two characters. Minmatar ships are good across all classes, while gallente ships do have some lacking contenderd in some classe…
  • At some point we either get bored with it or actually succeed, and then we'll do something new.   We haven't even neraly got direct control over all of 0.0. We haven't even got direct control over half of it. Indirectly we do yes, but even then …
  • Economic activity in Eve is more realistic in diversity then in most casual MMO's. There's not just crafting and putting stuff on an npc vendor here. You can specialise within the economy. As to your question about which part of the total economy …
  • Nice article, altho I myself find the evolution of guilds from the early casual-group style game-related club on to the massive outside-source related metaguilds that sometimes cross over into completely differetn genres of gameplay and sometimes ev…
  • Fountan front is gone. D2 is back in the north defending atm. Querious front is dead, D2's buddy alliances there don't feel like risking their capitals ever since they lost a bunch and gained nothing for it. Delve etc are no front, there's RA an…
  • Eve Online uses a wider definition of the term pvp then is used in most games. Pvp in Eve also includes competing with others for the best resources, so as to be able to absord more losses more easily then your enemy. In fact, only a combination o…
  • I can fly all races spread across my two main chars. Both chars are primarily specialised in another race, but I always seem to end up flying Minmatar ships like the Vagabond. Sabre, Muninn etc. Must say I like the other race t2 specialised ships as…
  • retards If there was a system cap at all ti didn't get hit at any point. I saw up to 458 people in local, never 700 like some of the people whine about being the cap, never 400 which others whine about. Fact is, the system f-t itself froze down …
  • world.   pvp isnt just fun because of the fights themselves, it's fun because the fights have an impact on the world. Instanced pvp is no pvp  
  • Firstly, CCP can only ban a person game accounts for posting personal info of exployees. Posting teh personal info of a depraved hacker wannabee that lives in Jakarta means nothign at all, since CCP cant even confirm the truth of that info independe…
  • Again, selective use of conversation snippets used to misrepresent the truth. Apart from Evol, other corporations and player groups have regularly been asked to assist in testing. It is an easy way for CCP to get larger amounts of organised and di…
  • Originally posted by LordSlater Originally posted by Rod_B I wold rpeferably have kicked t20 in the head for his stupidness.     Thats suprising considering it was your alliance that he helped out Not really. We would have preferred it gr…
  • CCP wont start selling isk directly, forget that. The tool they just introduced is actually a limiting factor in the whole RMT thing they have going. Before, people could sell and buy multiple timecodes per account, and theoretically resell them f…
  • I apologize for the earlier overly harsh post on this page. I didnt intend to threaten anyone. I'm, just saying that even although the current feeling amongst the more rabid of our many enemies may be that BoB will be destroyed, they will be sever…
  • I wold rpeferably have kicked t20 in the head for his stupidness.    
  • Parts of this community have let themselves be played to an extent that's nothing short of pathetic. It's sad to see this idiocy continue. After being an extremely active forum poster on teh eve-o forums for three years I can say I don't even regr…
  • yes. When devs play with normal acocunts they are normal players in my eyes. They're just like you and me, having no advantage worth mentioning a three year old vet doesn't have but just don't pay witht heir creditcard but with their dedication to…
  • No, because if you don't have the descency to let a dev get on with playing the game as a regular joe, no dev can ever play this game anymore. You know how easy it is to find out dev acocunts ? All you need to do is combine whatever info you have …
  • That devs were in bob, and got known to RKK directors (not to BoB membership overall), is the only true thing in this whole witchhunt. Yes, one dev won bpo's, just like any regular player did. If you read the statement you can see that Kieron actu…
  • http://myeve.eve-online.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=470530 See that thread for pics of a titan and a mothership. Both owned by my corporation. While getting enough money to have a titan built is certainly possible for single players…