Albatroes said:
Congrats on getting with the times and not being cheap? Still doesn't make it less of a cash grab but at least they are trying harder than Neowiz (Mystic still in the first half of 2019, right Neowiz?!?!?!).
Feels l…
I started playing this game 40 days ago and I've been absolutely hooked. Kinda bummed I didn't get to finish Stormblood before Rathalos showed up at the doorstep but I've been reading all the dialogue/soaking up the story. Game has a ton of detail i…
Solar_Prophet said:
So, basically what Fortnite was supposed to be before they started chasing the money by shifting focus to the battle royale.
I was just wondering about that, my future battle royale senses are tingling.
I don't really agree with raising prices on games for the sake of driving people away, or because it's 2018 and games should be more expensive now because f**k people without income. There's a reason 99 cent stores and stores with lower prices in ge…
Ok wait, according to their shop page with high priced founders packs (75$ for the base, 1000$ for the max) it says they're going to be charging 39.99 for this game as retail price?!
And they have a donation page on the site, swe…
Hm, well this couldn't be any worse/about the same than dumping 60 bucks every month into an old school mmorpg that isn't going anywhere I suppose. Maybe I could go for this on the side instead, never did get the chance to try entropia.
Very i…
I still hate the fact that they (Trion) even own Defiance, I feel personally that they don't deserve it. But as long as they don't screw it up, then sure... I'll relive my childhood again in this one no questions asked.
Ashaia said:
Thank you, roquekazin, very much for providing the short videos and pictures! It looks really nice so far. Can you also provide more information on the gameplay mechanisms? How is character development? What races are available for…