I'm with you sookster, I've been wondering about that for awhile. I've gotten hacked before, which resulted in all my items being sold except my lvl 40 mount on 1 character. The shitty part was they wouldn't give us any items for it, so i just fig…
I have a few i enjoyed, like Dragon Realms, the old school MUD that was on msn zone, Chrono Trigger, and Final Fantasy 7 of course
Dragon Realms was a nice MUD to play with a lot of people online, but boring to play alone and included plenty …
Nothing wrong with not knowing, but most people who use to play oblivion might go back to it or are waiting on skyrim. To me there wasn't as much to do in Oblivion as in Morrowind, but it was still a good game in it's own right. I tend to like the…
Daffid011 I did mention I could see the possibility of a virus being hidden in the addons, then a worm activating them either through a web browser or I wouldn't be surprised if through the auto updater. That's why I mentioned I'm not completely su…
Originally posted by Daffid011
Originally posted by OfficerNasty The guy above me doesn`t know what hes talking about either..
Then go right ahead and elaborate where people are wrong. Don't just toss out useless comments like this.
Eh, I find the controversy amusing, and believe Blizzard has to be involved in this crap. Mainly because I can see a big company like that milking the game for all it's worth, because they could easily cover that fact and pay off whoever knows with…
Orlean, that doesn't make one bit of sense. Why would a pure PVP server let you unflag PVP? Then everyone would do it and it would literally be the exact same as a non-PVP server...you must be thinking of a non-PVP server, which isn't gonna force …
AC2 was pretty fun, but I probably had the most fun in closed beta. I had some fun for awhile after, but I think Microsoft just didn't keep up with the hype. So many people went back to the first one, which is still up and kicking I'd love to pl…
Not meaning to be mean or troll, but this is how I see this complaint. You are either too lazy to send an email to Turbine, think the issue is with Turbine and not you (computer or user) assuming it could be, or you just want to get upset about eve…
i would definitly love to be the first one in this game too, and what im wanting the most is a forum specificly for this game
because i still love Asheron's Call and thought about going back many times (and may still) but if you setup a way to let…
VG, dont worry, the way its setup is as simple as this
1. u sign up and GIVE them ur credit card info
2. BEFORE your free 30 days are up, you can simply cancel ur subscription and they wont bill u...if you have a problem with this, just call the…
ya that would be a problem now wouldnt it? well send it to [email protected]
the one on my profile has enough spam, so if it gets thrown into the bulk folder, then i wont know...
i think crafting needs to be balanced with combat, such as making ANYTHING and everything u can find, craftable NOTE: ill use WoW as an example because most ppl know of the game or at least how simple it is
how? well for starters, crafter A has…
Originally posted by Asmodeus_
''and I was even a cheerleader in high school''
You speak as this is something big. As if it proofs something ;-)
i think its supose to prove the stereotypical idea of "cheerleaders are hot and popular"
ive never seen a problem, i always judge ppl before i find out their gender, such as if im partying with someone, if its a male character and their cool ill just be friends, if its a female character (and still cool), ill be friends and eventually a…