Originally posted by saturnos
Most overpowered class in CO (Conquer Online) are Trojans. Even a level 90 Trojan can kill a level 110 warrior in a single hit :S btw i play with troj lol
Sorry but I have to disagree with you on that. Yes tr…
i think the outnumbered team usually try harder and work together more than the other team who zergs everything that moves and doesnt see the flag go zooming by them
alliance is outnumbered on my server and still we managed to win 7 wsg in a row one night when i was lvl 19 (i wasnt even twinked everything i had i made myself and didnt have any enchants)
you would probably enjoy eternal lands www.eternal-lands.com i played it for a bit and enjoyed it although i hear its craptastic now the community is good (excepts for people in RICH guild) its free and theres 6 races i belive (3 free 3 pay)
i remember seeing SWG for the first time on portal (G4 tv old show about mmorpgs or something think they canceled it) and i thought wow i wish i had that, very disappointing news about the NGE and everyone leaving
i like those sword of truth series by terry good kind (oh btw from my experience from playing L2 if i ever see any one named rand or rahl or anything like that ever again so help me! stupid wheel of time guild *grumbles*)
Originally posted by surjstrife
lol sorry ..didnt mean to insult ..lol..but im on spinebreaker server.(pvp) and it has a low pop..i finally got in after 25 minutes.lol
the problem is that theres not enough ppl queueing thats a common problem o…
all i can say about WoW jumping is for hunters: jump spin shoot land fire :P owned a rogue 5 lvl higher than me 5/6 duels like this (one time i forgot about my pet it was my first ever char in WoW :P)
iv been playing games too long i think cos i dont think of "lol" as laugh out loud i think of it more as lol as in haha, dunno about anyone else but thats how i think of it
Edit: in a somewhat related point: in the movie batman begins or whatever…
gold farmers are like a plague that has ruined my gaming experiance in near every game iv played in my early days on lineage2 a farmer alliance (dragon on devianne) was almighty but they were all banned and the game became alot better because of it,…