I stopped playing MMOs. MMOs today are shitty single player games with an obnoxious chat and micro-transactions stretched out with pointless grinding. Instead I play single player games that are actually good, and I can still chat with people that I…
Originally posted by carotid
Because Wildstar + WoW = Same s h i t different day.
This, people don't want more WoW no matter how good it is. People are bored of that shit.
Originally posted by Eronakis I am one of the loud posters on here who really enjoys MMORPG's more when there is group content. Everquest had the best group content I have experienced, however, it was forced. In order to progress you had to journey …
Originally posted by DevilSeph Lacking of any Mmo at the moment I decided to play some god old WoW.
I leveled up and got in my first Hc 100 level dungeon in less than 3 days with a fresh new account.
I observed that game got easier (probably the…
There was the whole Sim City drama. EA claimed that the game required server side calculations to run and therefore it was impossible to release a patch for offline play. Shortly afterwards modders were able to track the network traffic of the game …
Originally posted by Antiquated Originally posted by DangerNobuo Originally posted by Robokapp Originally posted by DangerNobuo
World Chat is awful. Literally the cesspool of MMORPGs. The worst players all congregate there and force the…
Originally posted by Xiaoki
These topics are always a good laugh.
I bet CS engineers would die from laughter reading this topic.
Advanced AI is extremely hard to program. It's also very resource intensive.
Doing advanced AI in a massive …
I love the look of your trees! The game looks impressive for an indie project.
The game description says that it is a sandbox, how much control of the actual game world are you giving to players? What do you envision a high level player doing on…
You would first have to stop people from viewing content as a barrier between them and the rewards waiting behind it. In any MMO I have played recently that had puzzle elements, people will only solve the puzzle themselves if it is extremely trivial…
Originally posted by Nadia Originally posted by bcbully 90% of the time while questing solo on a pvp server you were being ganked? You sure you want to double down on this statement? Why not just say you are an anti-pvp person who grossly exaggera…
Gameplay is basically the main thing. Few can compare to the fluidity and responsiveness of WoW's combat and controls. The combat is simple to learn and use, but still allows for a surprising amount of depth and finesse. You can play for years and s…
I think magic works fine as long as it's constrained by a set of rules. In the Dresden File for example magic is a great tool, but often it's a lot more complicated and time consuming to do something with magic, when you could just do it a tradition…
Why not both? (insert overused meme here)
From the looks of development I think Elite Dangerous will be released long before Star Citizen ever does (if it does). So first I will be playing Elite Dangerous, and then I will play Star Citizen. Space s…
Honestly Wildstar felt like WoW but with sloppier, less responsive combat (and substantially shallower). The only thing Wildstar does better I thought, is housing, but that isn't enough for me to hold up the rest of the game. Are telegraphs actually…