laserit said:
NorseGod said:
Margaretaville said:
Should the Federal government withdraw from all those other areas?
If it's not directed by the US Constitution, then yes.
For example, no where in the Constitution doe…
Sovrath said:
MisterZebub said:
kjempff said:
"The case of Activision Blizzard is just another example demonstrating the need for governments to introduce more effective measures to deal with royalty-based tax avoidance scheme…
learis1 said:
Well, if the WoW team wishes to go Against Medical Advice, then I guess thats their business.
you just have to follow the wow loading screen tip. "everything in moderation, even world of Warcraft".
Ungood said:
goboygo said:
Ungood said:
Baalzharon said:
I'm glad whales get ripped off, stupid is as stupid does
Just wondering if you realize that if the Whales leave, or "Wise up" as the case may be, you are…
DrunkWolf said:
RoyalValor said:
DrunkWolf said:
We suggest that players, especially those on the Herod realm, consider creating characters on Stalagg
so im guessing He-Rod is full of streamers and their sheep?
FlyByKnight said:
The NRA has NEVER proposed ANYTHING. They just want unmitigated guns and bullets of every style everywhere. Their plebington card holders desperately need discounts and free trucker hats because of "ninjas" and incoming zomb…
Vrika said:
Pemmin said:
there is roughly 400million civilian owned guns in the US and using 21 shootings at least 4 victims rule as the number.... it puts the odds of any one gun being used in a mass killing at roughly 21/400000000 = 0.00…
Vrika said:
Untamedgunner said:
This isn’t about video games, nor the sale off guns. It’s fact that 11 countries including France , Canada and 9 more have more mass shootings the USA. We’re number 12 in the civilized nation around the …
DMKano said:
Where the whole premise of this video falls apart for me - is that corporations are responsible for managing people's addiction issues or other emotional and psychological weaknesses.
This is simply false.
The entire corporate ma…
Dinasty said:
Vanilla WoW is long gone for good reason.
But just like in Jurassic Park, they're going to bring back a dinosaur. And we all know how that worked out.
Once the nostalgia wears off, the population will plummet and someone at …
Veiled_light said:
blueturtle13 said:
Veiled_light said:
What isn't Vanilla about it though? Will it run on my old PC? Have they gotten rid of instant travel and all that crap?
Patch 1.12 was the final patch in World of…
Jake7177 said:
I have the Classic Wow version installed from the private servers like Light's Hope & Elysium, i guess this won't work for the Blizzard Classic WoW?
Also does anyone know how many servers will there be? On the private se…
DirtyDozen said:
I stressed the hell out of the login and character creation process and never could get in, maybe next time I'll get to swing a sword in anger
I mean that was the purpose. that's why level cap was 5. I don't think they ex…
im having fun but ive played on private servers so I knew would. the only annoying thing ive run across is zone chat in westfall is completely disabled on the pvp server....but that's obviously a true bug