Originally posted by SavageHorizon Don't kid yourself, enjoying it or not, the ultimate goal is to level. As for story and other mom's, sorry but lotro dose it better IMO. ESO is on rails just like every other themepark mmo.
Ultimate goal i…
Introducing levels was about the worst thing that could possibly happen to this game...
Granted, once you got one frame up to high level it was rather easy to get materials to get the other frames upgraded, but having to grind xp for each frame is …
i will never understand how "best indie rpg 2014" can be given to a game with no more than 20 minutes of playable content...
not that the game doesn't seem like an interesting prospect, but if it isn't even in early access, i'm not sure i'd conside…
i'll be dropping sub in a heartbeat once it's f2p.
not that the game isn't good, but i feel like i've been milked of enough, concidering they knew last summer they were going to change the model and concidering they tell us now, but is still keepin…
Originally posted by Tekaelon
Firefall is a fantastic game that is only getting better. New content and features with every patch. Of course if you are one those blowhearts who can't get past the fact it's 2015 not 2012 nothing they do will make yo…
I played Ingress enough to get a feel for the community and it definetely attracted some nice and helpful people all-round, i could not imagine abuse being a problem. This game seems interesting, though i do hope they are going to be faster verifyin…
I did not spend a lot of time on this game myself - one or two rounds to be fair, but what struck me right off the bat was this:
1: i've played lol since it came out. that's what? 4 or 5 years now? can you begin to realize the "work" i've put into …
i'm leaning a lot more towards lobby-based games myself, i don't have 20 minutes of time to throw away traveling trough the world, i want action, with my friends, now.
MMOs have become something i play when i can't go on voice-comm or don't have a …
Been burned by a lot of founders, early access, preorders and day1-buys lately.
i've yet to see footage of anything i'd actually like to be playing in, don't count on me cashing in 30 EUR to reserve a seat ½+ a year from now.
Lets see how the game…
Originally posted by Vivasvan
I really wanted to play this. And I did for one month.
I didn't like the controls. U have to use mouse to turn?!!?
No dragons. Seriously why no dragons?
No raiding this stale end game.
You have to use mo…
At least Heroics adds an added level of difficulty, but at no point EVER should i "need a reason to log in" other than the game being hillariously fun or me being in the mood for it.
they're already taking my money, why do they want to waste my tim…
DISCLAIMER: I don't know how archeage works, this is merely a comment on the authors statement that maybe it is ok to sell game-altering stuff to founders.
The whole F2P model is going haywire, little by little.
everyone started off hating B2W, bu…
Originally posted by goozmania It failed because of the combat system. It is really that simple. Action combat does not work in MMO's where equipment and community are important.
more like "action combat does not work when you try to mix it with …
for me, what went wrong was the combat. you had all the attention to position and facing - heavy mouse work - of TERA and TESO, with all the target management and click-to-cast of WoW. it's like they tried to make an action rpg mmo and then halfway …
I'd like to pose a different question:
it's a competitive game, where one team in the end emerges as victorious with a title of world champions. we call it eSports, if it was sports there'd be no use for the E.
i wa…
Don't tell me "anyone can do that". E-sports are just as dependent on physical aspects of the body as athletics, they just focus on other and more minute parts such as precision hand-eye coordination and fast reflexes while also requiring a high deg…
Apparently you play the game by repeatedly tapping the screen with your left and right hand in turn, and whoever taps faster wins. ad is totally unrealistic - everyone knows the asians in general have more apm's and would easily dominate in a game l…