No,beacuse not every country use same currency.America 15$ and EU 12.99.But what about other counrty who do not use EU and US dolar.İt bceome more expensive,example Turkey and North Cyprus.İts become 50-60 US dolar and 80-90 EU for month even more.S…
McSleaz said:
Korthag said:
i dont kill or harm any animal real or game. Those updates are usless for me.
So, you're saying that you've played through RDR2 without killing any animals???
If that's what your sayin…
I hate larian and all their games. They dont know how to make a proper RPG, i played all the old school RPG's, but now year is 2020 and RPG games must evolve not like shity Disco Elysium.Larian didnt make Disco but their games missing tons of stuf…
İf this and imperial city r expansions i said ok i will pay gladly, but god sake you want money for DLC and price r too expensive? What DLC means? -DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT-, what this means? you can donwload, not download for price. Oh man , hey costu…
Darkcrystal said:
Korthag said:
Every month release DLC not expansion pack and need money,wow. If you release expansion pack i understand but DLC for money?This game route is sucks,zenimax blind for geedy.
So do you think com…
Every month release DLC not expansion pack and need money,wow. If you release expansion pack i understand but DLC for money?This game route is sucks,zenimax blind for geedy.
Originally posted by Wolfhammer Originally posted by Azaron_Nightblade Yep, it's a pretty standard practice that all MMOs and even some single player games do.
I'm glad to hear things are running well.
True but you know all the haters are…