It won't be out for a while, but check out Vanguard Saga of Heroes. I also like to craft and this one is saying you can be a pure crafter no need to fight at all, in fact they recommend that crafters DON'T fight, because that way they cna lvl bette…
I want to just be a crafter so I was really excited about SOG/DnL but as there won't be any crafting for a good part of SOG I didn't try for a key. I will try to get a free place just to see what the games like, but I think Vanguard may be the one f…
I have never played SWG but played EQ2, I despise Sony for the high handed way they treat their customers thir lack of customer service and the fact that they always think they know best so never listen. They fix things that aren't broken an…
Check out this game
A lot of people from SWG are now looking at this game, and i mean a LOT! There are so many that the GM's stickied a thread for them
The crafting looks like it will be very sophisticated, I love crafting…
It cannot come soon enough, I know I only found it in September but it seems like such a long time ago. I am really looking forward to it as I have been gameless since leaving EQ2 at that time
That happens sometimes, if you scroll to the bottom of the page you will find some writing in French which means something like full contents, click on that and you will get the home page
Carcajou the same applies to exploring as to crafting, try Dark and light! They are promising a HUGE world and explorers will have an integral part int the game
Why not try out the prequel to Dark and Light? it's called Settlers of Ganareth and it's FREE for 6 months, it will be out later this month
Check out the web site
Or you could give the free 6 month trial of Dark and Light a try, it's called Settlers of Ganareth and is being released some time this month. Oh did i mention it's FREE?
Like you I love to craft and the game that has me hoping is Dark and Light. Crafters aren't a class in and of themselves, but the ideas they have come up with for crafting seem both sophisticated and challenging. They will be releasing a 6 month fre…
Originally posted by TheAlsk
As a player on swg for about 18 months this is one hell of a kick in the teeth. Myself, my wife and a lot of other guildies have paid out in the last week for the latest expansion "Trials of Obi Wan" only to be told th…
Nothing to do with fighting, I was a crafter, got fed up with being treated as a second class citizen. But friends have told me that they have nerfed a lot of the fighting classes making some unplayable. The Sony gods do what they want and have no i…
Some joker posted this on the DnL forums a while ago, had a sony avatar as well, but when he was challenged he admitted it was a "joke". If Sony had bought this game they would make the same mess of it they have made of EQ2 (which I played) and SWG …
Thanks to all for your suggestions, I am looking at a game that I think should have the kind of crafting that I want, it's Dark and Light. If you haven't heard about it check it out, they have a "prequel" coming out soon which is free to play called…