Lots of people are not even interested to play this beta since they are polishing their plans for release.
And.. I expect all the "streamers" guilds back as well.
Next thing: if you want labor cheap sub with multiple accounts don't spend on labor …
Originally posted by Mothanos Talking to all major GW2 pvp guilds and tons of them are confirmed to play Archeage.
All EU guilds are in contact with each other to roll on the same server to seek out blood and mayhem.
After facing random guilds th…
Have you lost track of time while playing, if so; how long?
Yes, at least 4-5 hours later than normal I found myself still playing.
Have you encountered a "memorable" moment?
Many of them - fun fights during my first trade pack quest over the sea…
Excellent game.
My old gaming buddies are all super hyped about all the things you can do in this game. From normal quest hub leveling until politics and tactics.
Originally posted by JudgeUK Tried the 2nd Beta after receiving a key from Trion - but had to give up after suffering hours of crashes, freezing, even complete crash to pc restart.
Re-checked all the specs, game space etc etc and made sure I was i…