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  • Originally posted by nennafir Originally posted by ClassicEQ People saying "you DON'T have to use the cash shop if you don't like it" aren't thinking this through. It is annoying to have it in the game because what you EARNED has no value if som…
  •    Who is beta for a profound question really.  Its for the makers of the game to test and test the mechanics and fun playablity.  Its an often over looked fact of beta.  Yes it is fun for all who play, if the game is good, but down to brass tacks i…
  •     Well i'm not reading glowing reviews about AoC since open beta started.  I was thinking i'd play both games also, however I remember this from previuos beta's i'd played where your like it has to get better.     Anyway off the subject there.  …
  •   well obviously I see thats what MMORPG has it at but is that official liek Mystic said so and if so can you link the page so I can read it?
  • Just a quick note its not bad or making you a poor MMOer(is that even a word at all?) cause you like WoW.  I've played plenty of MMO's and I liked WoW for the time I played it, its a good game.
  • Alright i'll take a stab at this and play devils advocate for the sake of playing it.  I think it will be released in april and early april at that.  Open beta will be no longer then 2 weeks total because of the great cost of the game.  They need to…
  •    I admitt its been a long time since i played DAoC but i pretty much remeber I started as an Alb and could basicly do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted.  I  rolled a Mid guy and really had to work any of the RvR stuff and If Alb or Hib showed up…
  • They both will have success i'm sure.  I like War abit more obviuosly or I wouldn't be posting here but on AoC forums.  War seem to have the advantage of past success though its hard to take that away from game. Turbine laid an egg with AC2 though…
  •    I see it like this, order will at the start either be slightly ahead of chaos or even.  After 8 months of so though the PvP advantages will start to over take the order and in the end Order will be well outnumbered.  It happened that way in WoW. …
  •    The idea of stealth is a good one.  Unfortunetly its uned mainly in MMO's as a tool grief repeatedly and thats why its not a good idea for a game anymore.
  •     I'll be order unless i'm out voted by my guild, which is also mainly family members.  I always seem to pick the underdog side of things though.  I guess i'm just a gluntin' for punishment      Anyway if everyone that has PvP/RvR skills plays d…
  •    Accually I have played WoW and even in the PvP servers you are not in PvP mode 24/7.   I know its still being worked on and i loved the game play but the PvP part is lacking.  Also I could care less about PvP rewards I'd prefer PvP penalties, I m…
  •    Here is my thought on it. SB would have been a great game...in 1999, with the other first generation MMO.  It took to long to come out had to many bugs and generally did do as it was hyped to be.  I hated, HATED, the the mouse movement.  the PKin…
  •    I honestly can't play an on-line game unless its PvP.  Not that i want to run around and kill everyone i just want that option.  However the first person view gets me abit i hop ein beta they decide to go with a 3rd person view also even if its v…
  •    NO AC2 is not worth buying or playing.  Not that it matters it will soon be gone and the MMORPG world will be better off for it. Foo
  •   Lejendary adventures seems to be coming along nicely with Gary Gygax having his input used.    Also Dungeons and Dragons On-line will be nice to see although its not slated until like 2005 i think. Foo