to be honest the design for pvp and rewards are amazing. they just needed to time gate it so people interested in PvP will have daily schedule to pvp. sadly, the market segment that plays FFXIV are only concerened with PVE so the queue times kills t…
Originally posted by AnnaTS Originally posted by reejan
I play on lich it's pretty populated and has a good crowd look me up if u end up there
Meg rejaan
I ended up on Odin server in the end and the FC i joined seems nice but i haven't g…
Originally posted by scorpex-x Gonna point out Squares current strategy for sub numbers and financial reports to investors.
Financial report will be due at the end of March.
Square push out a major patch just before this time to maximize…
Originally posted by Foomerang I just wish the combat was faster. I'm hoping they remove the skill speed cap or at least let you spec it down further.
well in the last live letter Yoshida said something indirectly which might be a major thing as …
the 1 mil was debunked immediatly by the website that published it, it basically means 1min subcribers from Aug 2013- Dec 2013, the release of FFXIV. it did not count all 2014 which there was a huge surge of new players be it PS4 or other major patc…
do not judge until 50 even if you get bored. also check this link to give you update on how much changed but in summary there is a big difference in leveling now + many more content :…
patch look amazing and fits my MMO target now, I am also bored of running dungeons and have been lately doing the following:
1.crafting and making gil
2.building my house in game.
3. beastman and delivery moogle series.
now I will have golden s…
that report covers a period of 3 MONTHS of FFXIV, because even though it was released in march it is actually only covers Aug ( release date ) until december of that year. such bad reporting.
lol Polygon being Polygon the writer of the article should be fired. this is posted in 2nd of January 2015, discussing a year old report that discuss the fiscal financial period of FFXIV from Aug- (release day) until Dec 2014 ONLY. the reason it is…
I would say yes since it will take you few month to go over all the content released since you quit the game, but I will also say NO because this game will suck your social life away.
to be mechanics and pvp skills are pretty well balanced for team play, and also takes skill more than other smash keyboard MMOs. BUT there arent many players interested in PvP so you will be waiting for long queues before going in, not to mention wo…
1) having played FFXI, I will say that the community is very similar although there are more douche bags than FFXI but still far off better then WoW and definitely LoL.
2) depends how you want to play it, for me it is very casual game but if I w…
I dont understand this article, the race is only minor news to what have been shown in their JP festival, alot on 2.5 expansion areas raids and so much more, and you chose the race news only
I think its the community in the end game not SE per say because as far as I know SE have nerfed coil also added echo buffs. more over, they made normal - hard and extreme mode for primal, so I think they understand the issue. not to mention in the …