Nothing. I wouldn’t give turdbin a dime. They are just trying to wring a few more bucks from players that used to play and are feeling a little nostalgic. AC2 wasn’t making any money sitting on a shelf so they dust it off and load it onto a server.…
I don't know about anyone else, but it was a lot less fun trying to put a group together in EQ2 than it was in DDO. It's like grouping is almost an afterthought in that and WoW, while in DDO grouping is the main thing.
Thats because DDO was inten…
You can dl the US version here:
As far as registering I would start here:
BTW it's a closed beta. Open to only people that have an invatation code. Get one of those an…
Originally posted by chrono11901
Just letting you know..
PS: For more information, guides, and a large community over over 250 members visit
It's a closed beta. You have to have an invatation, and you are not going to g…
Originally posted by Brenics
LOTRO is just AC2 with different names. But lets hope they can pull it off. I have so been looking forward to a game that is from Tolkins world.
LOTRO is NOTHING like AC2. Its JUST like DDO.
Originally posted by mrgrimrpr
My lord, that guy's green text is so rediculous.
It should be a good game. The trackrecord of Turbine is decent.
By the way, calling them Turdbine is very immature and hows your ignorance.
I like the text.
Originally posted by bouncingsoul
I'm glad I stuck with AC2 for as long as I did while many people quit to go play other "bigger" MMO's. I wasn't around in-game when it went offline, but I got the beta and was an avid AC1 player. I wouldn't be so d…
Originally posted by hanime
Or can we expect a "real" mmo this time without 24/7 Grind sessions ?
Man I have my fingers crossed. I am really ready for a game with some genuine content.
Originally posted by AzRaell33
Originally posted by Moirae
Az, just because you don't like what you see doesn't mean other people don't.
I happen to think PvMP is probably the ONLY viable version of PvP out there that won't lead to the worst p…
Originally posted by Moirae
Az, just because you don't like what you see doesn't mean other people don't.
I happen to think PvMP is probably the ONLY viable version of PvP out there that won't lead to the worst possible behaviors in an MMO.
Originally posted by Xpheyel
Originally posted by AzRaell33
You can hardly talk about a companys unreliability and poor decision making without referencing some of there past and present works. I used hypothetical examples a couple times tryin…
Originally posted by Xpheyel
Originally posted by AzRaell33
I take portions I want to comment on or refute, and address them, very much like I am doing right now line for line. I am not going to continue to rehash things we are obviously not g…
Originally posted by Xpheyel
And this is exactly what I was talking about, you are looking on one thing and ignore every quotation of your own words, for example. Or the original poster's.
Mostly I didn't want to discuss impulsive buying habits t…
Originally posted by Xpheyel
Originally posted by AzRaell33
I dismissed the majority of the first part of your previous post because you made no points worth debate.
If they aren't worthy of debate, they must be fundamentally a…
Originally posted by Xpheyel
Formatting on this forum is terrible. One more reason to hate the green text. They don't all come with the thread when you quote it and it leaves a bunch of misplaced color= tags everywhere.
Originally posted by Az…
Originally posted by Moirae
Originally posted by AzRaell33
Originally posted by Moirae
Reported for name calling.
Grow up.
Reported for being a crybaby.
Grow up.
And you just proved me right and completely lost whatever argument …
Originally posted by Xpheyel
We're back to LOTRO at this point, because the thread isn't about Turbine as a company in some kind of vacuum. You can go back to the original post:
I'd want to get excited about this game, however I know better. Tur…