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  • I agree, Smed can go to hell,.. this man acts like he tried to do what was best and didn't understand what was wrong with the game.. come on!!, do you smell what he is standing in??.. He knew how upset people were, he knew what was going on with the…
  • This game was dead to me back in 2005, so I don't really have any feelings right now,.. but I will say it's sad to see what this game has become. The countless hours, making friends, crafting, etc.. was fun at the time and it was sad to see how a co…
  • Originally posted by ShneakyOne It's called the MMO effect....   The first MMO of any type you play, will ALWAYS have that special place in your heart, and you won't get the same excitement from any other game ever.... that's just how it is. D…
  • Originally posted by dafriar I thought they did an expansion.. called Warhammer Well, I hope they don't think WAR can take the place of DAOC because to me....  DAOC beats WAR hands down,..  and thats a sad thing to say because of the age of D…
  •  The sad thing is, I started DAOC about 2 years ago or so, so I didn't get to see the "old times" in this game and I REALLY wish I would of.   
  • Originally posted by Jetrpg Well im currently, playing atla whatever online, wow, and war.   I can tell you leveling in war is by far the lamest: spam way too many of the buttons and honestly all mobs need less hp but need to hit harder to make u…
  • Wow, so this game is also starting to die out already...  Wonder what is going on with the newer games that are coming out these days,..  Vanguard, D&D, LOTRO, AOC, WAR,..  as far as I can see, they are ALL sinking ships..   What do the older …
  • I will agree with the above, they need to upgrade the graphics a bit and upgrade the way the toons look, etc... but besides that,...   Its a good. Leave RVR, Combat, etc alone..    As one said already, spend some moeny on it.. I still feel DAOC is…
  • No, I don't see it, not when you are talking around 3,000 people logged on at any given time,.. it would be a waste of money for them. It's sad because I think DAOC of better than WAR and this game is 6+ years old..  but oh well.
  • I am glad you all like the game, I did try it for about a week and just coudn't get in to it. I did care of the game play to much and I guess I was looking for this to be more like Battlefield or something but oh well.
  • Guys, damn,.. you would think I kick your dog or something..  many people come here and tell you what they think of games and thats why most people come here and read before they waste 50.00 to go buy a game,..  me,.   I just feel it was a waste of …
  • Originally posted by Noggin I didn't like Age of Conan or Guild Wars, yet I am having oodles of fun in Warhammer.   Am I just the exception to your rather crude rule?   *edit* I also played WoW...   You say you won't keep playing after the 30 day…
  • Originally posted by impulsebooks   Originally posted by in4sit guys its not how hard or how easy combat is that I think is lame,.. its how the toons move when they are in combat...  its not really my kind of combat,.. but I am trying to like …
  • guys its not how hard or how easy combat is that I think is lame,.. its how the toons move when they are in combat...  its not really my kind of combat,.. but I am trying to like it,..  I can't spend every day and 5 hours a day on this game like y…
  • I don't think SOE or LA care about this. If you look at everything people have posted, asked, etc... about SWG and look at the other games people have went to,..   and LA and SOE have done nothing as of yet..  trust me,  they will not let AOC change…
  • Humm.. some people just really live in another world,  glad this guy found his.
  • LA is also at fault here too. They had to OK the changes AND if LA said to bring back classic servers,.. I think SOE would do as LA asked. I think both LA and SOE see this as a dead game,.. they know they have killed this game and they are doing w…
  • I think a lot of us have asked the same thing to ourselfs, but only SOE and LA can answer that. They said that numbers were already going down and with the falling numbers and some of the polls they did on the game,... it was found that SWG was to h…
  • Originally posted by ArcAngel3 Originally posted by Starbuck1771 Originally posted by ArcAngel3   Originally posted by Bob_Blawblaw   Originally posted by hubertgrove Originally posted by ArcAngel3 More people would play if there were…
  • 5 days or 7 days..... the stuff listed here should not be going on.. http://mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/thread/164844/page/1 If you pay $50.00 + 14.99, then you should have a game that you can log in and play,.. if people are logging in and serve…