AA is a joke !
1st night i enjoyed playing for about 3 hours and the battlefield was 70% inf/tank with a very light air battle happening above.
tonight looked similar to lastnight ,one massive tank convey v massive air.
they could do with slight…
latest news on offical forum is those cheaters "people using hacks or purchased kinah who were banned " are able to log in and accept f2p agreement.
so when f2p starts you will probably see mass advertise of kinah and more blatant cheaters.
Originally posted by Biggus99
Originally posted by Gwing
still looks liek a epic game dont knwo why ppl bash funcom so much i dont c nothing wrong with them conan was a epic game and still is this one will also be epic...dont think so? then t…
ncsoft are stubborn
i support this petition ive had 1 medal in 4 siege's .i cant obtain medals from some quest as ive already repeated them fully.
some quests never update !servers are full of people trading medals unfairly . ap loss when event …
Originally posted by Yamota To be specific, what kind of PvP activities are there? Instanced battlegrounds? Keep PvP? Open world PvP?
rifts ,dredgion pvp instance group v group ,fort raids ,daily quests ,weekly quests
they have increased even…
i recently installed pts along with live and had to delete few other games of my 60gb ssd drive .
at one point it reported about 9gb free just before 2.5 went live on pts ,this was with two identical live folders which was around 13/16gb each.
sorcerer no doubts
this class even with ok gear shines in both dealing dmg and controling situations.
ive come across sorcerers wearing blue gear that can pump out enough damage to kill good gear players.
sure you need to spend some kinah to g…
Only seen one bot on server i play on in last couple of months some the reason's why?
decreasing number of players who buy kinah ,repeat offenders they do it in everygame they play untill they get caught.
rtm cash shop.
not alot things to buy …
i think nobody knows what is coming even the people employed by ncwest right until the last moment
in the meantime they just speculate and spew out lots of cow shite to get people interested and hopes up
over on the offical forums is a great ex…
Originally posted by PsychoPigeon The highly anticipated 2.1 patch expected to heavily 'westernize' Aion in the West will be coming out 17th November for North America according the NCSOFT's Q3 call conference.
The patch contains a big drop ra…
mantra is plus 10 no idea what % that is .
if you do a quest which starts in abyss and as you visit npc in each fort and finally devine you get title for 5% speed.
start of with 22% speed boots and using 5% form scrolls is just enough to not pok…
sins have sprinting +20% it slowly drains mp 4% upkeep "can be used for long period of time".
ranger's have short but very fast burst's ,tactical retreat for 30 seconds you can increase speed "100 % chance to increase speed when attacked" by 3% i …
Originally posted by Onarres
Well just so you know Aion was out in Korea or where ever for a year before it came to the US. So they have had a year to fix alot of what is wrong with the game.
this is the truth exactly .
The n/a servers updated seem to have problems with patch according to offical site forums. and they have yet to update the eu with new patch and are extending the time again to fix the problem .
so umm ah i dont know what else to say
yes i would have also thourght that to but when i click on add everquest 2 im sent to parental control then to cd key screen which tells me what i already know thats its already registered
ive tried accessing through ingame menu - account -eq2 web…