Well I was the first person in the UK to complete Ultima IV back in the day (yes I am that old).
And I would love to see this revamp into a much loved world.
Looking forward to it, although not going to rush through it this time - lol
(When you c…
Lotro lost me long ago.
The whole Runekeeper and goat riding thing ruined the lore for me.
Then a year in the dark of moria depressed the hell out of me.
Then not moving on to Rohan and instead doing 1 months content in Mirkwood killed it off …
I have everything but a runekeeper (lets not go down that road) and played since launch.
I have to say I agree with elocke, the combat is getting very dated. And although I risk an argument i'd also have to say that the game is getting very dated …
Without getting into full blown game mechanics on an open forums, i'd be happy to assist in any team concidering this as a game development.
I have a background in game design and may have some professional conflict of interest that I would have t…
Yes please.
I can't stand all this stupid magic.
And for all those who can't seem to get past the 'Hit Point' thing. Please move away from that legacy PnP statistic. It never even made much sense back then. Oh my 100 hp Fighter just fell 200ft a…
I came back last week. Two of my freinds have come back since.
The game still has the best combat (ship) around and it makes a fantastic change from wizards and wombats.
I can't help but notice how some people fanatically defend LOTRO and call anyone else who points out that the game needs major content, trolling.
I played LOTRO from launch and love the game. However I havn't played since about 2 months after Mirk…
The thing that made GW unique was that it was different than all the other Mmos.
The NPC's and instanced quests were like little puzzles to solve etc.
Sadly the more news I read on GW2 the less impressed I am. It sounds so much like every other …
Well, I spent my weekend in the lowest parts of S1, trying to get my crafting maxed and finding any SP quests. So I was in the worst laggy areas for launch.
Yup it was laggy. Yup it took 10 mins+ for a quest to update and I lost count on the times…
yeah the first 20 levels were fantastic.
Then they took away 50% of the graphics in the starting area ....
Finally you get past lev 20 and find out the rest of the game has no content worth playing.
If the whole game was like the first 20 leve…
I would like to think that the graphics would improve 10 fold by the time it went live.
However I am too old to wait for promises on Mmo's as we all know thats an empty feeling. So i'll make my judgements for now on what we have.
You have to rem…
Originally posted by fyerwall
Originally posted by eugam
Originally posted by funnylumpy
Originally posted by dethgar
Originally posted by Wilshire12
3. Point Three - On the box i was promised some ass and titties and some mature…
Fact 99% of all stats are made up and 100% of all stats can be made to reflect anything you like.
You can always make your compacy, country, whatever look good/bad with stats
(Just went to the poll in question - it added up to 101%. Gotta l…
You have put:
Currently Playing EQ2
Can't wait for: WAR and Stargate Worlds.
Quit: AoC, V:SoH, POTBS, TR, COH/COV, LOTRO, WOW, GW, DDO,AL, EQ, Eve, L2, AA, Mx0, SWG, SoR, AO, RFO, DAoC, and others.
Sounds to me like no Mmorg is going to kee…
Originally posted by sbowling
People still play this game? Are the 4 postitive responses all the players there are?
I used to play it when it was launched. I left back then and didn't think the game would last the year. How glad i am that it d…