I must say, I've been keepin my eye on the Agency since it was revealed, and I'm realy looking forward to see how this game will play. Because on paper it seems quite awesome.
I think it's quite interessting that alot of people talk about how they "were interested but not anymore" just because of the bad (distasarous? ) launch. Sure, Blizzard did not have the same issues, but they had issues none the less, and they came b…
To keep it breif, I don't mind a delayed launch. As long as the game (and everything around it) works somewhat properly another month ain't much of a wait.
The pure fact that you have to have an active subsciption to improve your skills in EVE (their skill system is built on a time-based mechanics, where you just wait 'till you've learn to skill. The highest level of the hardest skill takes months to l…
Originally posted by Indo
Since you posted this in Rumor....... this must be just that - a rumor Where is the Opinion Room??
Damn, you beat me too it ^^
Well, there sure is a diffrence between slowleveling and grinding.
If a game as enough entertainment value to a have a slow level progressen (fun PvP, interesting combat in general, good story based quest ect) then it could be alot of fun. But if …
But am I totaly wrong in saying that you don't have to put down alot of time in EVE (per session), whilest in WoW you might have to spend a couple of hours online per session to actully acomplish something?
As I said, I haven't played EVE except d…
I'm a true WoW-fan, I admit it. I've been with the Warcraft series since the first clash between Orcs and Humans. I've also tried EVE during the Beta and newly with the free trail.
While I also have to agree the most PuGs (Pick-up Groups) are almo…
Yup, mlambert890 hit the nail there.
And to all you people out there who are to lazy to read it all, here it is summarized:
If you don't like that the expantion will cost $30-somthing, simply don't buy it.
That's the way the free market works.
Both of the races are good, but I would prefer a Orc Warlock simply for the pet damage bonus.
But all in all, it's not that big diffrence. Choose wichever you think looks cooler
Even tho I didn't like the game itself (and I like it even less now with the new changes), SWG had good. It was varied enough to make sure you could get diffrent stats with diffrent, and complex enough to feel that you could actully make a good item…