I truly admire Dafoe's actiing too. He was an excellent villan in Spidy, his good in Clear and Present Danger and yes... I will admit it :: cringes sheepishly and bats eyes:: The English Patient as the thumbless junkie. At the risk of being a pictu…
Dude- If you are a Dafoe fan, you definitely should view the clip about the "Mutiny" for a teazer. When was the last time Dafoe did comedy anyway? After Spiderman... I still see him as the Green Goblin...
Surely you must be joking. And Dont call me Shirley. Caddyshack, Tenenbaums are a few of my favs. And I am sure Life Aquatic will be more Wes Anderson wonkiness, imho... I take it -- you have not seen the trailer?
Dude- if my friend told me that about my biy Bill Murray, I would totally punch him in the throat and then deliver a swift drop kick. pk. I am pretty thrilled about The Life Aquatic- it is just hard to find decent comedy out there. Murray is the ma…
Anyone seen Groundhog Day? Or how bout Scrooged? two personal favs... cannot tell you about "Where the Buffalo Roams"... random
Basically, Murray just gets better with age, and the new flick will be to exception...
Bill Murray = #1 comedian? Over John Stewart? Well, I am sure Johnny boy would agree... I heard that Willem Dafoe is gonna be a major player in this moie too- derranged German accent and all.
"Thanks, thanks a lot for not choosing me..." Dafoe to…
I thinnk EQ2 and WoW might be overrated. Cal has been leaking new info about UXO, and the new fly through is pretty impressive on the uxoo.com site. HAve you seen Karken and the other crew that was just posted?